~ three

Libra - Walking with Crow to the small private plane on the dirt strip nearby a table with a safe and a guard, personal pilot waiting.  "So what's the plan now ?"

Crow - "Oh I'm sure you're right, in the frustration we made he very likely executed them all, starting with the first to bring it up.  He needs the win.
"So when I have his head, and I do mean it in that bag, that's us done.  While Agent Corvallis works his magic on my documented existence."

Libra - "I meant after all that."

An EMP blasts though the plane, dropping a tracer from the back and disabling the bugs withing.  The guard opens the safe and pulls another battery, handed to the pilot who carries it into.

Crow - A laugh nearing the plane's step, "Then I consolidate his resources with my own, having been consolidated from them after being weakened by you. 

Last look before the door, "And then, I come for youHaving been weakened by them."  A last smile, joined by a grin from the guard before the plane's door closes.

Libra - Watching it roll before takeoff and gone, a sigh.  Checks her watch, frozen.  "These kids today ... "

The model - Half on the ground, she spits blood.  "You wanna know why you're weak ?  Military brat ?  Always something to prove ?  You hid from the world."

Voice freezes her tea nearing a sip, "Ruh-roh."

Model - "We all knew that.  We always did.  About all of you."  Works up and into circling to fight some more, fists up and ready, eyes looking for a target. 

Lynx - "Pray tell."  A crack across the model's jaw.

Model - Spits again with a grin, "My daddy hits harder than you."  A true hit sends Lynx back a bit.  "You hid from the world."  Between strikes, well enough blocked but more weakly as they progress ~

Model - "You've never even seen it !  You've never lived, you've never suffered, and you've never, had, to pay, the price !"

Circling again ~

Model - "And we all know.  We all fucking know.  That what you people hide behind, with all your law and orders, your regimented days ... "  Goes in for another set, "Is your own !  Free !  WILL !"

her to the ground.

Model - On top and striking for the face through the blocks, One connects, "Bony fist of doom !"

Able - Walking out in horror as the gathering crowd un-gathers ... "What the fuck is all this !?  This isn't training, this is ... "

A voice cleared behind him, he turns.  A punch to the face.

Voice - "You enter the pit, you're in the pit."

Chief - Watching the fight from the window with Libra, "She actually just said that ?"

Libra - "It's apparently true what they say about bad guys and their plans.  I think it's a twisted sense of honor." 

Chief - "Calling the shot.  She plays pool."

Libra - "Looking a bit horrified at the brutality below, "Are you really going just let ... "

Chief - "Yes."

Libra - "And they called me a psychopath."

The fight rages on ...

Doc - Watching with Joe, "It's fascinating really, the new one fights now like an animalAll adrenaline.  Like a cornered beast.  Possibly near shock.  And the soldier is entirely trained.  Consistent, but predictable."

Joe - "But when it connects, like a brick."

Doc - "This is what you did to me you know, every way as brutal in all the ways that mattered.  We fought for an hour.  One hour.  Of practicing a world and historically evolved style to perfection, only to be blocked by a single move. 

"Again and again.  For an hour.  This was my ... 'hazing' was it not ?  To teach 'humility'."

Joe - "Not intentionally.  But I suspect the consistencies in human nature in time became a way.  I only learned it because that's what fencers always did to me."

Doc - "Hm."  A thought, "Well at least their fight's is more interesting."

Joe - "Indeed."


They struggle against laughing before breaking and clink their drinks, the fight rages on with never a clear winner.

Doc - "So.  I can do this.  Our model friend has told us the distribution points, we can hit them with our modified strain and force the evolution of the prior to our desired effect.

"But you must kill him quickly, because it will only make him more insane.  This is a scattershot across their ranks, not a targeted strike."  A glance back to the fight before leaving, "I have a new form to try tomorrow, once their stench has left the field."

Joe - "I'll be there."

In the pit ~

Lynx - "You serve nothing.  You don't even serve yourselves !  It's why you always lose."

Able - Back to back with the model and staving off Voice, "I serve things !"

Model - "What the hell are you even talking about ?  They literally make everyone sign a blood oath to 'serve' their family's demon.  And we doThat's how we get paid."

Able - Looks over his shoulder at her, "What ?"  Cracked in the side of a face.

Lynx - "That shit's real !?"

Model - "You have no idea."

They stare ...

Lynx - "Good fight."

Model - "I feel like shit."

Lynx - "Me too." 

~ They hold up each other's fists to the cheers of the crowd, Able drops his guard with gratitude with a sigh to the ground.  Cracked across the jaw.

Voice - Boxer dance, "I didn't say we were done !"

The cheers of the crowd.

The doctor enters his lab, The Frenchman waiting. 

Frenchman - "Forgive me, I could not help myself, I had to see.  Impressive what you've done with the equipment available and with so little more shipped in."

Doc - "You are welcome here."  He pours two Brandy's "You being the only man here who stands to make as much money as me !  A toast !"  They cheers and drink.

Frenchman - "Now.  Distribution is already covered by our mutual benefactors of course, but what exactly do you need ?"

Doc - He hands him, "A simple map.  These are the locations we require.  And thank you but this modest lab only allows me to mutate the existent virus and breed it.  He pours two more, "I could not dream of creating one here."

Frenchman - "Mm.  Still.  Very impressive, I like the ... "  He motions, " ... tubes.  And ... what drug or drugs would you like that shipped with good sir ?"  A smile and toast before a drink.

Doc - "Oh.  My friend that is practically philosophical."

Frenchman - "Sociological even, allow me to rephrase.  What was their drug of choice."

Doc - "I see ... and its vaccine form ?"

Frenchman - "I've got a shopper for the formula, cause friendly.  You are right to say ... we are about to become very rich of this ... 'justice' these people speak of."

Doc - "Amazing the age we live in ... "

Frenchman - "But it will end my time here in Guadalajara, wisely yours as well.  On one hand this business has extended my network while on the other closing doors.  And your people will only endanger these people now."

"I've spoken with agent Corvallis.  Your cover will be that you assisted in a covert operation to centralize power in the region.  Very exciting.  Assuming you still plan to remain with them ...'Doc' ?

Doc - A laugh, "Who else could afford me ?  Who else would have me.  I will pass it on.  And what are your plans ?"

Frenchman - "My final disappearance.  I finally have enough.  Tell your 'chieftain' he may keep all the equipment he wishes here, so long as he leaves Guadalajara, and never returns."

All four drunk and very late around the campfire, closing the party down and looking like literal bloody hell.

Model - Smoking the blunt, "I did actually believe in it.  Kind of.  I mean you could see it working out for them ... and us.  Things just flow.  So everyone just accepts it.  Like culture.

Passes, "But after the news of the house patriarch's death finally hit the stands ... 'Heart attack'."  They all snicker.  "I mean, I technically served himHis demon.

"So like ... I just realized, what if I'm here because his demon wants revenge for his death ?"


Lynx - "Lady.  You have a twisted world view."  Clinks, "Welcome aboard."

Able stares at the fire in horror ...

Voice - "So what d'ya think of that ?  'Abel' ?"

Able - Snapped out of it with a laugh, "Oh.  No it's not from the Bible.  My name is Charlie Baker."

Lynx - "Oh that's funny, first name last on the form."

Model - "I don't get it."

Able - "Able Baker Charlie Dog, Easy Fox.  It's the original Alpha Bravo."

Model - "Are you fucking hazing me soldier boy ?"

Through the song's intro as Crow arrives home.  Straight though the house past the servants waiting in rows with security presenting, latter gathering behind as she walks (past a room with a literal fucking porcelain doll collection (hypocrite).

~ Back to the beach where the mother sips her last, children still playing.  She takes off her sunglasses and looks at the beautiful sky against the sun's blind.

Crow throws the yard doors open, looking an unknown over with a smile.

Mother - Waves, "Waiter ?  May I please have another ?"

Waiter - With a bow, "Of course !"

~ World War Forever ~

(main song through the credits)