~ two

Watching the news ~

Chief - "They still got away with it.  We deal with their diseases, so now they want a civil war ?  And the people are right to be angry.  How do we get around it ?"

Joe - "By doing what we know is right, and doing what must be done.  Some good news.  The doctor and I have a plan to at least get some revenge."  He motions to the door, "Doc ?"

Doc - "Yes.  Well you see.  The virus locks onto the genetic code, and alters the DNA itself.  Specifically targeting human DNA, and any others it may be coded to.  Preferably the most logical carriers."

Chief - "Right, basic so far.  Go on."

Doc - "Thank you.  And well.  Of course the anti-virus as a vaccine, works in the same way."

Chief - "Following."

Doc - "So what if we allow, it to as well target human DNA being digested."


Chief - "You are ... happy then,  With your share of the crow's cache."

Doc - With an excited nerd giggle, "Oh yes very much so thank you."

Chief - "And you mean, to poison ... their ... cannibals ?"

Doc - Another giggle the same, "Well yes !"  He twitters his fingers waiting ...

Chief - Turning back to the window, another fight below unknown.  "Oh ... "  A drink.  "Oh I like that."

~ The Model does push-ups with great struggle and dirty looks while Lynx sits on her back cross-legged drinking tea.

Lynx - "I literally hate this bitch."

Voice - Circling with tea of her own, "I know that you do ... she got a code name yet ?"

Model - Straining to push, "I'm right fucking here."

Lynx - "Pretty sure it's Random Door Guard Who Dies in the Intro."

Model - "And then !  I get promoted !  To The Bitch Who Kicks Your FAT ASS you FUCKING Whore."

Voice freezes in horror.

~ A punch to the model's face as they circle in the fighting pit.

Lynx - "How about we just shorten it to Whore."

Voice - Still circling with tea, "Seriously.  We did boot !  Then we did specialized training !"

Lynx - Between the poorly blocked punches she throws at the model, "For TwoFuckingYears !"

Voice - "So now we gotta compress all that.  Into two fucking weeks.  For you.  Because why.  Gotta say the hazing part's kinda fun though."

Model - Falling into sympathy, "O my god did they do this to you ?"

Voice and Lynx - Look at each other, "No."

Lynx gets cracked hard across the jaw.


Lynx - "Owwww ... "  Rubs her jaw and meaning it, "That was like the bony fist of doom ... "

Gigantic fist of demolition strikes the model.  Her eyes go wide, birds teet in the yard and she falls straight back.

Voice - To Lynx still rubbing her jaw, "Oh my god are you okay ?"

Doc - "Cannibalism comes with trademark genetic anomalies.  'Mutations' which effect the DNA.  Much like a virus of its own, but without the design to survive. 

"Much of this we don't understand.  Banned research.  So what we do then, is like connecting the dots between the two diseases.  The shared side effects as mutual coding to connect the two.

"In this case, these effects are in the digestive track as it connects with the nervous system.

"You see, my 'job' was to keep them medicated against these effects.  Kuru.  But the disease adapts quickly, requiring constant creative and new treatments with many mixed side effects every time.

"You can see it in their eyes ... loss of control at some times, complete control at others.  These are the ones.  It will take only the slightest push to outrun their doctors' ability to adapt."

Chief - "Understood.  But what will it do ?"

Doc - "It will short out the electrical system of any cannibal who has come in contact with the virus, including by vaccination, with human DNA in their digestive track, leading to nervous disorders, neurological impairment and cancerous tissues where there is any genetic sensitivity."

Joe - "So every new strain they create, will strike directly at the heart of their own cult."

Doc - " 'Financiers'.  Your assault on their ceremony has left only their worst in charge ... spoiled and decadent.  A fool.  But a fool with no mercy, who takes pleasure in the scale of his wrongness, the magnitude.  I knew I had to get out. 

"If he smells failure he may take the world with him, just so no one else can have it."

Chief - "Does he have the means ?"

Doc - "If the means exist in the world, then yes !  What you must understand is that we are on his time now.  And the only reason this world still exists now, is because he believes he can beat you.

"And if ever you convince him otherwise, he will inflict great harm, to whatever extent that he can, to everything, and everyone and not just so no one else can have the world, but so no one else, would want it."