Mint Conditions

A view of Young Mr Diaz on the beach with his sister and mother, they play in the sand while she watches over from the chair, a smile.  She leans back.

In the heat of battle, Able and Monroe with Crow pop up on Capricorn's screen at the turret control in the middle of his giving orders.  

Monroe - A gun to Crow's head, "Call it off or she dies, right here and now."  She looks at Crow, "Well get begging then !"

Crow - "Piss off, merc."

Able - "I'm technically still following orders.  We've also got the model."

Monroe - "Hi !"

Capricorn - Stares at the screen, the battle fading out from his senses ... a moment ... "Goodbye, 'my loves'.  Do it.  Kill them both."

Crow - "I knew it !  You son of a traitorous man-whore.  Account number.  AA-23-1138, German Main."

Able - "Are you serious ?"

Crow - "Did you seriously know what that is ?  Password 'Frankenhooker'."

Able - "Holy fuck."

Crow - "Not really."

Capricorn - "I ... thought you were going to kill her ... a moment please."  He open fires, "! Eat Shit PRAETORIAN !"  Then back to the screen, "Now where were we."

Crow - "Family account, A-616-616-O.  The letter.  Password, 'Towerfall'."

Capricorn - "You unbelievable trollop on a Sunday, will you please just die with dignity now ?"

Crow - "His dick's a lot bigger than yours by the way."

Capricorn - "I'll be sure to cut it off and feed it to you then."

Able - "Please leave me out of this."

Crow - "Thinking about keeping him."

Able - "Shit."

The Model (actual) - From the wardrobe, "I know the Amsterdam accounts !"

Capricorn - "FUCK !"

Crow - "Would you like to see his action figure collection ?"

Capricorn screams ...

~ Mint Conditions ~

While his frustration shows in the field, Monroe empties accounts while vintage action figures get torn mercilessly from their packages.

While in the heat at the city border he fires with his right hand and fumbles with his phone in the right, trying to keep up with Monroe emptying accounts, but it's Sunday.

He smashes the phone on turret's edge and fires madly while they all play with his toys, dictating the battle scenes.  Cartel flanks with the local military on the other side squeezing them in the middle while in the streets all the people fight.

Capricorn - Now beyond madness, he screams "! RETREAT !"  
His remaining army makes the run back to the waiting cargo planes, chased hard by all.  The last of them load, the planes roll for takeoff, one blown before takeoff, another downed from the air.

He returns home to a pile of security bodies, house cleaned out and smashed, and into the toy room.  Packages strewn, action figures in lewd poses.

As he throws the biggest mantrum imaginable ~

On the field, the Mexican General and cartel leader approach where the chief awaits, suspicions all around, everyone gearing for another war right here and now.

The leaders examine each other a bit, the chief checking them both side to side ...

Cartel - "For Mexico."


General - "For Mexico."

They shake hands to the cheers of all.

While Libra sits in her office going over soldier files, she's apparently the team councilor now.  She gets annoyed at her run out pen and throws it stuck to the wall in frustration.  Opens the drawer for another and sees the package with a bow and a card from Monroe.

She opens it up and finds an action figure still in the box ~

On the card - "This first edition was immediately banned for misusing the word 'Schizophrenic'."

~ Capricorn - Sad in the eyes and looking around at the action mess ... "muh zartan"

Card - "Thought you'd appreciate it, coming from me.  Thanks for all you do for us.  Love, Monroe."

Libra - Looks it over ... "Oh.  He's got a little scooter."  She smiles and puts it on the shelf, gathers her things and off to the interrogation.

Crow - "Join you ?  Dear God no if you knew the things I've done you'd retract it anyway."

Libra - "We know everything you've done."

Crow - "Does he ?"

Libra - "Who ?"

Crow - A laugh, "Hm.  One Mr Major Able, with all those ... stripes down his armies."

Model - Now in the interrogation instead, "That's not how it's pronounced."

Libra - "We're not asking you to join, we're asking you to help us."

Libra - To the model, "That is how it's pronounced."

Crow - "Oh !  Well am I under arrest ?  And if so by who's authority ?  American ?  Mexican ?  Military ?  Yours ?  Or is this like ours, a private installation."

Model - "The hell it is."

Libra - "Do me a favor.  Pronounce the name Johann Sebastian Bach."

A dirty look ...

Libra - "It's the kind in which I can cut you here and now."

Chief et al break out laughing behind the one way glass watching, "She did the thing !"  They all start saying Bach 'accurately'."

Crow - "Then I think it's the kind in which I can buy my freedom.  I'm not joining you."

Model - "I want to join."

~ Behind the glass they stop laughing.

Libra - "What skills do you have to offer ?  You're outed now, useless undercover and these are soldiers."


Model - "So ... did Major Able mention me ?  I heard things."

Stalwart - "You are a disgrace.  Five hundred million dollars, for what.  So you could ask me for a billion more to cover your losses ?"


Capricorn - "I'm having a very bad day."  Points and the Stalwart's own security slits his throat.  He looks around at the remainders at the round in their shock.  "Oh fuck it."

View out the door as they're all executed as he leaves, shutting the door behind.  He pulls a smoke, lit by the second commander of his troops.

Commander - "So what are we going to do for money now ?"

Capricorn - Exhales the day ... "I'm liquidating all remaining assets, mine and theirs, and moving all operations to that which can be funneled directly."

Libra - "How much do you have ?"

Crow - "Full account access and I've already moved it all.  To you.  I don't need it.  Yours on one condition."

Libra - "Which is ?"

Crow - "His head in a Birkin.  Her Birkin."

Model - "My purse ?  It's ... a first edition ... the colors ... "

Libra burst out laughing.  A brig door slams on the model sitting next to crow.