
A flicker of social media images, fashion and people camping, erection drugs and meeting singles in your area, violence of war and hate.  The longer it streams the more of the latter, the violence of war and hate.

While on streets the people size each other up, normal names becoming extreme in people's reactions.  The traffic more loud, horns blowing with rage screaming from the windows.

A man watching a woman pass bumps into another man and it ends badly.  The media streams flow across the screen, burying the fight in the rest of the posts.

Voiced over the static ~

"When the Amazons infiltrated Delphi's oracle, they took the temple as well.  Rich men telling secrets in their beds, then on their way to hear their sister's prophesy.

My body be a temple and all are welcome, so long as they've got a good story to tell."

A clearing in the woods where a slick '67 bumps side to side, that old suspension creaking ~

News footage of the incident amid the rest of the horrors, apparently one killed the other and fled.  Manhunt.  The wars of the world in a a world of war, people killed in the streets like a dog.

~ Car bumping.

Who the fuck kills a dog in the streets.  Some people do.  Some people did it, some people robbed a bank.  Everyone dead, it all went wrong.  A cop gets interviewed at the scene.

~ Scrolling through amid the rest with the sounds of climbing orgasm inside the car, until the screams.

A shot of gin slammed to the bar and slid across til caught and slammed.  With an annoyed glance at the television news hanging over the bar, a nod and some cash left behind.

The phone.

Narrator's voice - "We're sending a van."

Man - "Bullshit."

Voice - "You don't know me but I do know you.  And maybe you don't give one single fuck about the world anymore but what about facing this alone ?"

He looks around, this madness blooming.

Voice - "Living like a scavenger amid the rest of the damned."

A police car plows through the crowds to get away.

Man - Smiles at the chaos, "So maybe I live like a king.  Maybe it's what I always wanted.  Maybe it's what I am."

Voice - "Yeah ... I know you like to think that sometimes, but it never lasts.  Too late.  We already sent the van.  It was never very far."

Another blocking his way in threat gets his head slammed back into the bricks of his apartment building.

Man - Working the keys for the door, "I love you too mom."  Down the long hall for the end, "I'm gonna go get my sword and go save the world now.  Bye."  Hangs up and works the door lock to the apartment.

Voice sitting there on his couch, hangs up and pockets.  "They'll be here soon but we've still got a bit of time."

Man - "They sent another woman."

Voice - "You're notorious.  Honeypot 101 and I even packed the skirt."

Man - "Doesn't qualify you for this."

Voice - "I also put a president's hand in his own blender once, to get what I wanted."

Man - "And what was that ?"

Voice - "Your location."

Man - "And now you fuck me so I think I'm getting in that van for love."

Voice - "If it's required.  Is it required ?"


Man - "You're terrible at this."

Voice - "Really.  As you may delude yourself about what you are, and who, you're a good man.  Which means stupid when it comes to love.  So yeah.  I can pretend to love you.  I can make your every bedroom and blue dream come true.  Make you love me with all your heart for as long as it takes. 

"To get you in a van.  Any van will do." 

A smile she gets up from the couch and to the fridge, pulls a beer from it as her demeanor changes to a girlfriend flopping comfortably around his home like she lived there, or at least spends some time.

Throws herself to the couch and picks up the remote.  Flipping through channels and drinking, ignoring him completely.  "Hey you got any smokes ?  I forgot the store before it closed."  

Drinks flipping ...

"Oh !  I found a new band today !  Sheila, the insufferable bitch she may be, was actually playing decent music in her cubicle." 

Flips through the channels ... "Hey come here you ... is everything okay ?"


The man starts to laugh ... "Okay.  We can go to the van now."

Voice - "Yes !  I told them fucking you wasn't the answer but these assholes are like 67 style ... chief literally drives a Chevy Nova."

Man - "Holy shit !"  Heads with her for the door, sword in hand with a go bag. 

Voice - "Seriously."

Man - Stops before closing it, "You're doing it again, aren't you."

Voice - "You'll never know.  You know all those horrible things you like to think you are because it justifies what you know you have to do ?  I'm actually those things."

Man - "How many ?"

Voice - "Many."

Man - "All of them ?"

Voice - "Didn't today."

Man - Into the hall and closing the door, "What about yesterday ?"

Voice - Slams him to the wall and kisses him while the passersby in the hall do everything not to watch.  "Acting the girlfriend again, "Forgot to lock the door again."

Man - "I always have the distinct feeling I may never return."

Voice - Pulling away, "It's okay.  I got it."  Uses her key and heads down the hall, raises an arm to the ceiling.  "To the apocalypse !"

Man - "What do we put on the headstone ?"

Voice - Smiles back from the door, "They call me Monroe."

And out the front door, indeed a black van between two like painted SUV's some black suits on lookout.  The van door slides open, inside an armored man looking like combat armor was made made how it should have been.

Armored - "A sword."  He looks to Monroe, "Seriously.  A fucking sword."

Voice - "Probably won't even draw it."

The door slams shut and they roll.

The swordsman stares at the armored judging back, hilt of the down turned sheath in his hand like a scepter as he sits on the throne of a bench. 

The armored man assesses him cold.  "So what's your specialty ?"

Hail starts pounding the van roof while in the streets everyone scatters, the thunder sounds.  The swordsman looks to Monroe, "Who ranks here ?"

Monroe - "None of us.  We each have our specialties.  Chief decides when it's time to activate and chooses who's who for the situation."

Swordsman - "The chief ... 'he lives'.  So who's planning the op ?"

Monroe and the armored look at each other, the armored looks down.

Swordsman - "Ah.  Looking for a replacement.  I'm sorry for your loss."

Armored - "Hm.  We're actually looking for some magical bitch who thinks he can save the world with a fucking sword."

Monroe - "Never even uses it.  We're coming up on the docks."  The hail stops.

Swordsman - To the armored, "What's your designation son ?"

Armored - "Did you just ... okay first off, fuck off with that, 'old son'.  And secondly, my name, is Emilio Stephan."

Monroe - "Literally has no code name."

Emilio - Thumps his chest with a grin to the swordsman, "Nothing to hide."


Swordsman - "Did you actually have to fuck this guy ?"

Monroe - "No.  But the next one may still be a bit bitter."

Pilot - On a dock by an old sea plane, "NoAbsolutelyNo."

Monroe - "You know we really did have a good thing going and you knew a hell of a lot longer than were willing to admit."

Pilot - "Til your next mission."

Monroe - "And here you are my mission again."

Pilot - "No."

Swordsman - Gesturing to Emilio ignoring them while cleaning his gun, "Well what about that guy, he'll fuck you."

Pilot - Looks over and examines him while instinct raises his head to see back ... "No."

Swordsman - "Money ?"

Pilot - Looks in the air in consideration, across the docks, the gulls ...  "Yeah okay."

Swordsman - "Got a name ?"

Pilot - "Money.  Who the fuck are you ?"

Swordsman - "No idea but I've heard some neat theories."

Pilot - "Swell.  Load up, another storm front's on the way.  We got lucky for the gap and you have until the auto-pilot to think of a name, or I'm calling you Joe-Bim-Billy, Dim-Dally-Bitch-a-doodle-Pops forever."

Swordsman - "Joe will do."

Pilot - "Good enough."  Looks at Monroe before boarding, a sigh.  "I honestly fucking hate you."

Monroe - "So would I."

Pilot - "If you had a soul."

Monroe - "Sure man.  If I had a soul.  Let's go."

The seaplane takes off in the dusk of early fall, the wave of storm passing behind them.  It flies the western coastline headed south, beach side freeways showing their own collapse with the rest of the world.

Jammed traffic and rage on the road, protest stops a bridge, police line charges and further on south they go veering further from land.  Rounds the peninsula, then a low and solid thirty miles out.

Inside it's clear the pilot lives here, Monroe the only one comfortable sitting on the thin bed atop the cupboards.  A wall near the hatch of cutlery hung over a preparing station for meat, poles leaning the other side of it.

Among other things a sushi chef who likes to prepare the meat fresh from the water.  Signatures fetish hanging from around the world but if anyone were to notice, only those places with notable fish.

These are the reasons this pilot like to tell himself why, the knives hang by the door.

Joe - "Okay.  So what do we know here."

Monroe - "We know if we're all here and if I've only worked with one of you, there will be more.  We're mismatched as a team."

Joe - "Maybe."

Emilio - "Definitely."

Joe - Looks him over, "I don't know ... I think your action figure would look great with a sword."

Emilio - "Pfff ... true.  But you a broad op strategist, Chief was always mission to mission.  You don't belong on a team."

Joe - To Monroe, "And you usually work political ... they say you've open fired on a draw, but it's not what you do.  So I'd have to agree with that."

Money - Enters from the cockpit, "And there's no way in Hell I'm working with her, so that all sounds about right.  We are not alone.  What else we got ?"

Monroe - "You tell me."


Money - "I want you to know, that I absolutely have your back.  I know we're here to get something done, and that no matter what I may feel, nothing will stop that from happening.  But I still fucking hate you."

Monroe - "No you don't.  That's the problem.  I really liked myself when I was everything you wanted, that's what I want you to know but it was never really me.  You need to let her go, she was never there."


Money - "Yeah.  Got your back.  What else we got ?"

Emilio - "The enemy will be political and militarized, because of our individual talents.  We were picked up together only because of out our proximity on the map.  So there will be many of us.  So we know many people, are going to die."

Money - "Well at least someone's tellin' the truth."  Smiles, "Welcome to Guadalajara." 

The plane descends for low flight over land.

~ Praetorians ~

An APC door slams open, another team entirely exits one by one, a helicopter unloads three more, pilot last then slapping palms with our own.  Team after team, each their own way and of all kinds from around the world.

Two from across the way give a hard look, one drawing a line under his throat to threaten.  A private airstrip carved out of a field just outside the city with manor attached, the seaplane lands on its set wheels, they unload the last. 

One look and some might say the property was a local CIA post and they would be correct.  A few of the type seen remaining gives credibility to the notion the vans were theirs.
Though the way they observe shows they're 'monitoring a situation'.  It's not their slightly unkempt nature which gives the clue to what's really going on, but that of the FBI who linger close to the manor's back entrance.

These are one hundred percent mutineers.  AWOL.  These standard troops are revolutionaries, house guard a lot of mercenaries.  The teams converge on the doors, maybe ten total of forty counting pilots, one for each.

Each of their own way, some strange and some just fucking core.  The doors close after the last, guards return to post position in front of them.  One gives the other a snicker returned.

~ two

In the thin manor's hall which connects front to back and separates two broad wings, he stands before the front doors flanked well enough by mercs for either habit or show. 

Chief - Smiles, "Well hello children."  Emilio looks away annoyed.  "Those who know me, it's been a long time.  And welcome to the rest of you, who I know, better than you think."

An unknown in the crowd, hooded long coat ~ "The point ?"

Chief - A laugh, "Yes.  The point.  Is that the powers behind powers of this world have decided to wipe out the world's population, in order to start anew.  You've  just seen the initial effects of their plan.  But instead of that, we're going to kill them all.
"How's that for 'to the point' Ghost ?"

Another voice ~ "And then what ?  Their idiot children inherit the power.  They're even worse than the parents they hate in a long line of self mutilation and guilt.  But they're still heart-bound to their parents' wishes, cash bound to their legacy."

Chief - "We teach them fear.  You teach them fear.  And we burn their hard assets to the ground.  You say heart-bound Libra and I'm glad you asked because you're going to subvert them."

Joe - "And in the end ?"

Chief - "Rule the world."

They all look around at each other ... 

Another voice ~ "You mean you rule the world.  Look at all these spooks about ... you just want what they have.  Thinking you'll turn up somehow more worthy. 

"That's what everyone who wants it all tells themselves.  That they won't turn out to be like them but you will.  It's the nature of the beast."

Chief - "Warden the only thing I can tell you about myself that you don't already know, is that I will not survive this.  I mean you will rule this world.  All of you.

"Now.  That said, these agents are here to support you but make no mistake, they will put also you down, if they have to."

Corvallis - Clears his throat, "That is correct.  First off.  There are agents and officers all over the world, who do not believe as these people we are about to hunt do.  About the future of humanity.  We've done their bidding, maintained a status quo.

"Say what you will of it. 

"But this ... suffice to say it exceeds honor and oath.  So here we are.  We are not immune to this madness which takes over our world.  We were inoculated.  This process was how we came to know the extent of their plan."

Another voice ~ " 'Inoculated'.  So it's viral."

Corvallis - "No.  At least not in the way you mean.  It's a constant transmission through communication devices coupled with complimentary image triggers, resulting in heightened aggressive behavior.  The inoculation is effectively a hormonal stabilizer tuned precisely to this stream.
"The fact is they've tried viral.  They've tried a lot of things.  But synthetic viruses have a low life span in any competitive bio-sphere so like created terrorists, they become high maintenance, low yield.  They try a lot of things.  And we ... within the world's law enforcement agencies ... have become unhappy.

"Suffice to say."

Chief - "And they will keep trying.  Every bid for rule of the world, in their terms.  When enough people are dead to suit their equation, they'll sell that 'hormonal stabilizer' to the survivors, continuing transmission to insure any splintering tribes kill each other off."

Corvallis - "Other drugs will work, only not as well.  They know theirs is the one to sell because it's tuned to the hormonal response to the specific psychological triggers.

"This is what they do.  This is what their families have always done, one way or another.  Investigative bureaus looks at pragmatic solutions, seizing assets, tax evasion, Interpol games, but ... "

Chief - "They have declared war on our world, and they're winning.  We represent all of it.  They have infiltrated all of our governments, and turn them on their own people.  And so we're going to kill them all."

Corvallis - "Quietly."

Chief - "Ending all their lines."


Voice in the back ~ "You had me at rule the world."

As they claim and unpack in their shared rooms, converted to a barracks with cots, two per room so everyone picks their bunk-mate like it's a week before fucking prom.

"Yah I wanna rule the world, what's wrong with that !?  What wrong with you !?"

Lynx - Unpacking in their shared room with the voice from the back, "It's not even like ruling, just one vote in forty ... "

Voice - "If forty survive ... "

Lynx - "Menacing but true.  What freaks me out is one vote actually mattering.  A luxury when they get lost in the millions.  Like helping to promote a guy and he turns out to be an asshole, at least there's a millions of other suckers in equal denial."

Voice - "So like ... you wore a button and then a sticker !?"

Lynx - "Totally wore a button and a sticker."

Voice - "You're a fucking moron.  Electoral college is like we'll be, except they don't have as many guns.  Your vote means shit."

Lynx - "And you're a contrarian whore.  There's the popular vote, the electoral vote, and there's who's the better cheater.  Best two out of three wins.  That means two out of three times, your vote, matters.  So yeah I wear a sticker bitch, fuck you."

Voice - "I don't fuck my prey, go bunk to death with Monroe.  You just said you're afraid to rule the world because you're used to your voice not mattering.  Like a cowardly fucking princess ... so who's the contrarian whore now ?"

Lynx - "I swear to God when I shave you will always be the last pube standing.  No.  I mean people like you having a say.  At all.  It takes millions of votes to drown out the stupidity of your kind."

Voice - "My kind ?"

Lynx - "Yeah like ... whatever kind of flotsam that flops out when her mother squats in a random alleyway I'd imagine."


Voice - Tries to contain before the laugh breaks out.  "Okay that was good."

Fatigues on, they smile and face, M4'sup, they walk past the two confused but likewise prepared soldiers waiting at the door.

Jackal - Comm kit on and calling after while catching up, "I wanna rule the world."

Warden - An MP, "That's because you're a bitch."  Shocks him with a cattle prod.

A long hall of the manor fast converted to base, left subtly reminiscent of a school's path between classes filled with kids except old and psychotic ~

Dore - "Ghost !"

Ghost - Turns slow to show his very self-satisfied grin, "Dore."

Dore - "Oh ... okay.  So you know."

Ghost - "Oh I know.  And then I spent some bounty on a whore whose name was your fucking mother.  You were taking too long."

~ Chief - Annoyed in the office like a visited principal, "Well ?"

Dore - All fucked up, "He sniped my kill and took the money."

Ghost - Equally bleeding, "And then I fucked his mother."

Dore - "You did not fuck my mother."

Ghost - "I did fuck your mother."

Chief - "Jesus Christ."

Ghost - "Used the dog ... for a condom."


Dore - "I'm going to fucking kill you now."

Chief - "You're going on mission now.  Together.  We settle all baby-antic bitch fits, here and now."

Money - In the office with Monroe instead of the others, "Oh no not at all sir we patched all that up."

Monroe - "I really think that's a good idea.  In general.  Quash all the beefs out the gate."

Chief - "Hmmm ... so how do you feel about throwing her out of an airplane ?"

Joe - Now in the office instead, "If he takes the plane to the water and sails north, and then flies over the city from that direction they'll think it came from a cartel.

"Path lines right up with the courthouse."

Chief - "I know a guy who might even want to take credit for that ... that's a pretty big status kill but still low key.  All the locals hate this mark.  Then what ?"

Joe - "You strip off all your gear ... "

Money and Monroe give him a look.

Chief - "And go to the fucking party !"

Ghost and Dore - "But ... "

Chief - "How the fuck are you two going to a party looking like this ?"

... disappointed ...

Dore - "Kill sniping bitch."

Ghost - "Dog's ass was way tighter than your sister's."

Joe and the chief watch all four walk out to the plane from the office window, Ghost and Dore even more fucked up now, office trashed.  Monroe practically skips with glee while Money trails behind the rest. 

He turns to the window and flies a very angry bird.

Joe - "Well ... if any of them kills the other at least we won't have to hear about it anymore."

Chief - "That's the plan."  

They take a drink watching the window.

~ three

Libra holds two children's heads to watch as their uncle is beaten to death with pipes, security strangled, all getting kicked before stomped into bone cracking.

Libra - Dressed and a nanny, she leans between their ears sweetly.  "We're gonna kill your daddy now.  And one day ... if you study real hard and drink your milk to follow in his footsteps ... "  An endearing little laugh ... "it could be you."

The boy struggles in tears to look away, the girls just stares into her uncle's dying eyes with near excitement, a fast smile ~

The plane flies over the capitol party, two chutes drop for the roof.  Inside ... the party !

Monroe - Dancing with Money, "I'm sorry about your airplane ... "

Money - "Don't."

Monroe - "Look.  We're married.  See these rings ?  So honey, we're just going to have to make it work.  Now look at me.  I'm going to teach you how I do what I do.  Look at me."

Money - "I'm looking."

Monroe - "Not really but it'll do.  Now imagine everything I want in a man."

Money - "I can't even imagine."

Monroe - "It's now your job to figure that out.  See those two guys over there ?  Totally scoping me because they can see you're a cold fish.  You don't need to know what I want.  Just guess !

"Nobody knows they want and if they did, the prospect of having it would terrify them.  They just want to be wanted.  And close enough wins the game.  It means surprises.  Which is exciting.

"While perfect is suspicious to suspicious people so ... I am sorry about your plane.  I really am."

~ As the plane flies, empty of personage but filled with boom and a panicking auto-pilot light, the courthouse ahead.

Money - A laugh, he moves a lock hair from her face and into the rest of her do.  Smiles, "Just a thing.  Guess I'm trading up."

Monroe - Smiles back, "There ya go."

The fuck-boys watch them kiss and turn away annoyed at the end of the song clip when the plane hits the courthouse.

A distance from where the police are called in force to rush the courthouse scene after the explosion, arrival of press on the horizon.

Dore - Getting out of the shitty old truck with Ghost, "Ever heard of Suicide Mouse ?"  He checks his pistols and applies suppressors.

Ghost - Opening his briefcase to assemble the sniper rifle.  "Suicide Mouse.  Is that one of these fucks we don't know ?"  Opens a panel and pulls a fat wad of cash and hands it to him.

Dore - "Are you shitting me ?"

Ghost - "Half the gig.  Minus your mom."

Dore - Flips it through, all hundreds but four twenties on the bottom.  "Literally twenty dollars shy.  I swear to God."

Ghost - "So did she.  So Suicide Mouse."


Dore - A laugh, money in the bag.  "You're a sick fuck I thought you might like to know.  It's this cartoon made by Mr Walter Disney himself.  But it's so fucked up, they refuse claim it.

"So it floats around.  People making copies.  Doesn't matter who made it or how much it looks like a mickey, and by the way a 'mickey' was a word with a meaning, back in the day. 

"Like the two little pills on his breeches."

Ghost - A laugh, "Okay I'm in.  Fucked up how ?"

Dore - "Like, people died.  I looked into it.  Lots of stories, but one was verifiable.  So this film critic, very well know and still alive, was archiving old Mickey Mouse cartoons for like a historical compilation.  'Box set', when DVDs were invented.

"Hours and hours of these old cartoons, and most weren't put out for a reason.  Scraps and experimentals.  You know they watch them in a theater his assistant and him, and now he's bored as fuck.

"So he goes home and tells his assistant to watch the rest and like ... do a book report or whatever just give him the notes.  He doesn't fucking care anymore if ever he did.  So she does.  And on comes 'Suicide Mouse'.

Ghost - "She ded ?"

Dore - "She ded.  Walked right outta there mumbling 'Real suffering is not known.'  Then right the fuck home and kills herself.  No known issues, no psychology, just Suicide Mouse.

"But you know.  'Hollywood'.  People die for a lot of reasons."

Ghost - "Heard that."

Dore - "Good money.  So this critic's like on with the show.  Sends another assistant."

Ghost - "Damn.  She ded ?"

Dore - "'They say', less verifiably, that she was sent to the asylum for trying. All medical records are still locked down.  So he sends a third.  Does the report and walks away fine.

Ghost - "That's almost scarier."

Dore - "No shit.  But if you ask the critic about it, he'll just look you dead in the eye and say, 'Never saw that one'.  And it will absolutely be the end of that conversation."

Ghost - "And it's just ... out there."

Dore - "They can not stop it, without admitting, it exists."  Pulls a flash drive from his pocket, "Here ya go."


Ghost - "Disavowed."  Truly touched, "Thanks man."  Hand on his shoulder, "That's ... I'm sorry I put your grandmother on the internet."

Dore - "My grandmother's already on the internet."

Ghost - "I know."  Action loads, "Kill a motherfucker ?"

Dore - Action loads, "Kill a motherfucker."

Inside the event, Money and Monroe watch to see who's notified first of the explosion, marking them with a camera in the corsage, noting what kind of security joins whom.

While outside the function's street parking Dore uses the security confusion from the crash to climb a pole to affix a camera, before dropping back down to Ghost keeping watch. 

They duck for the alleyway, where Ghost grabs back up his leaning rifle.  Dore throws a hook on a rope to pull down the steps, and up the fire escape they go ... 

Now two blocks away watching ~

Dore - "Who's the mark ?"

Ghost - Adjusting the scope, "First guy out the door ... "

Dore - "Should be the one with the fastest intel and that would be one Mr Nancy while our new friends watch how everyone's security responds.  This tactical Joe could be alright.  What do you think of these two ?"

Ghost - "I know Monroe's solid, in her way.  If you know you know.  I've only seen the pilot drop agency spooks and run, but I am surprised he gave up his airplane."

Dore - "Clean slates.  Old cargo.  It means he's in or very interested in it looking like it.  I've seen him infiltrate, once, standard plays, shot to shot, door to door, knows when to and when not to."

Ghost - "I'd say the same about MonroeHere we go."

~ A pause and an exhale, a businessman with a woman both surrounded by security drops.

Inside the party the room goes active with the woman's scream, fast from curious rumor to security situation. 

They watch to see who's most protected, who already knows the safe room way, whose sensibilities stand out from the panicking rest, marking them all.  On the distant rooftop, nothing to be seen.

Ghost drives while Dore flips open a computer to the camera feed, watching the parking lot as security pours out first, then weeded through by the party goers, spots Money and Monroe stumble out like the rest of the fools for their cars and between two SUVs and over the bush unseen.

Dore - Closes the comp, "And done is done."

Ghost - Checks the mirror uninterested and eyes back forward, "I respect your father's cock." 

Dore stares unsure what that even means ... a thump behind as Money and Monroe flop over the back and pull over the tarp as they drive away, still in Guadalajara.

Driving off into the distance fade ...

Back in the manor the pictures and names checked, the last of the cars drives away, security goes inside.  A last pop of a small charge in the camera sends it spinning sailing into the street.

Pictures compared to film, cars and security of each noted, while Money and Monroe watch over, verifying their observations.

Through the quieted song ~

Ghost - In a coffee shop, to an unseen across the table.  "Yeah.  Everyone will be on mission, leaving just the Chief.  All alone.  Agencies packed it in to disappear again."

Guest - "Ghosting ?"

Ghost - "Something like that.  They don't tell me much."

Guest - "And the mission ?"

Ghost - "I don't know yet, no one does.  Just that it's big."

Guest - "Hitting our militia I think.  In for a surprise when they find the place empty."

Ghost - "I'd imagine so.  So am I in ?"

Guest - "Like Flynn."

The glasses clink, the song picks up and out to intermission.

~ nine minute intermission ~

~ after nine ~

Cartel spokesman - Standing with a crew brandishing their heavy arms, "And we will reign down more destruction from the skies, until you have released these people." 

Clears his throat and looks at the guy grinning wide while nodding and posing with the SAW.

SAW guy remembers and hands him the list, a serious nod to the camera, then wanders away with his head slung shy.

Spokes - To himself crossing names off, "Fuck this guy fuck that guy that piece of shit is a snitch ... ahhh ... "  To the camera - "We want Carlos back.  Give us back Carlos and we won't blow anymore things up for a while.

"And ahhh ... if you fuck with my people again ... we will shoot you in the knees."

Monroe - Dressed in bondage gear and holding a whip, "So you get the general gist then ?"

Local politician in a suit and tie with his pants off tied spread eagle to a shitty motel bed - "I would give you anything you want, if only you would be my wife."

Monroe - "Hmm ... "

~ sound of a whip cracking.

Spokes - "Then we cut your dick off, and we feed it to you.  And then we cut your head off, with your dick still in your mouth, and we shove it directly up your ass."

Other guy - "Directly."

~ Ghost watching on the internet in the dark - "yeah ... "

Spokes - "And then we deliver that mess of you to your wife."

Other guy - "Like when they deliver a flaming bag of dog shit.  We light you on fire and we ring the door bell, and then we run away laughing.  Then when she comes to the door ... "

Spokes - "Instead of a flaming bag of dog shit, it is you on fire with your own dick in your mouth and your head up your ass."

Other guy - "And what's funny about that is, she will immediately recognize you."

All - "OH !" and static out as they all fire in the air ~


Driving an inconspicuously dated van which appears vaguely ill in repair but with the engine that purrs ~

Lynx - Driving with Voice next to her in the front, Warden and Jackal in the back.  "So.  We're already friends and you're already friends ... "

Warden - "So to speak."

Lynx - "Right."  Eyeroll.  "Well that's why he teamed us with us and you with you, but why did he team you with us ?"

Jackal - "All standard issue grunts."

Voice - "Lots of that to go around.  What's up with you two."

Jackal - Smiles away from Warden, "I'm all you need.  He's just here because I'm on 'work release'.  And they needed someone to hold the leash."

Warden - "And save his ass regularly, as I did in the prison.  But we're friends, so to speak, because I agree with what he did, on a moral level.  Not so sure about how he did it though ... "

Voice - "Ooo."  To Jackal, "And what did you do ?"

Warden - "Classified."

Jackal - "But he sure as fuck had it coming."

Warden - "Fuck yeah."  Hard bones.


Lynx - Adjusts the mirror to her eyes directly on Warden, "Okay.  What's said in the van is classified.  It does not leave this van.  Swear it on your oath."  Moves the mirror to Jackal's eyes.

Jackal - "On my dead brothers."

Warden - "On his dead brothers."


Warden - "And my tags.  Whatcha got."


Lynx - Adjusts the mirror to normal, "So did we.  Except we actually got away with it."

Voice - Smiles back at Jackal, "Dumbass."

Jackal - Smiles back, "We can  assume by that you're here, that you did not.  But that the chief just happens to agree with what you did.  On his ... 'moral level'."

Lynx - "He wasn't gonna get away with it."

Voice - "We want to know how he knew."

Warden - "So we know who else might."

Chief - On the radio and scaring the fuck out of them, "No one alive.  I put you four together for no particular reason but instinct.  Felt right so I let it fly, and Warden is there, Jackal, because he is a literal brick shit-house."

Warden - "That is true."

Chief - "And because he always gets his man."

Warden smiles over to Jackal's roll of the eyes. 

Chief - "And good hunting.  I'm turning this fucking thing off.  Annoying.  Call it in when you're done or you're dead."  Static out.


Voice - "Wait.  Does ... that mean he did already know or that he didn't already know."

... they wait for a sound ...

Jackal randomly bursts out laughing uncontrollably until Warden shocks him again. "Hmm."  A snicker and a look out the window.

~ Praetorians ~

Credits as the van passes the people walking like it's to the rhythm, until here and there as they drive along, they're all starting to dance as the van passes.

Poking their way through the marketplace pedestrians twirling across as though it were nothing, then toward the city's edge.  A salute from all before the police car is seen, then all to normal and the music cuts out.

A head from behind watches Ghost leave the coffee shop, pulls the phone and texts, "got him"

Still seen from behind, he leaves the shop and drops the phone in the passing trash.  Elsewhere in the world another sends another message.  

Images across the web encoding that information in ways only those who already know will understand.  References to ghosts and hauntings, references to things crossing over.  An article with a decorative pic of a coin flipping, tourist services to Guadalajara.

Around the world the suits see the screen and pass another message to another and another, all branching out into a network like a web across the world.

Emilio drives while Libra eats chocolate in that same shitty truck, now painted shitty white with and sprayed with dirt, both in civilian clothes.

Libra - "So what's up with the armor thing ?"

Emilio - "Prototype dragon-scale designed for the American military.  But it was debatably too expensive to make in mass production at twenty-five g's a pop, so their soldiers never saw them.  Mine was a demonstration model."

Libra - "Nice.  How'd you score it ?"

Emilio - "It was my specific fee, to be paid in advance, for a high fire solo infiltration.  Requisitioned so to speak, to be repaired upon completion."

Libra - "And ?"

Emilio - "And I was the god of death for a day."

Libra - "Ha !  Those are the good ones."

Emilio - "What about you what's your thing ?"

Libra - "Psychological infiltration like Monroe, but not by the same means.  I saw she picked you up you didn't sleep with her.  Neither did Joe.  I've never worked with her but I do know of her.  We're like the exact opposite sides of the classic female infiltration model."

Emilio - "Between you it covers a lot of territory."

Libra - "It's actually why we've never worked together.  Purely redundant."

Emilio - "But you don't sleep with them."

Libra - "No, I study them.  And I let them want to be studied.  I make them feel interesting, which would immediately cease upon sleeping with them.  It's a lot like being a reporter.  So what do you usually just ... walk in and shoot ?"

Emilio - "Honestly, yes.  That's ... what they call me for."

Libra - "But you're interested in expanding your repertoire."

Emilio - "Ah.  That's what you do."

Libra - "That's what I do.  It is genuine curiosity, I'm a curious person.  But right now it concerns the chief.  I think he agrees you're capable of more or you wouldn't be here with me in civi clothes instead of armor.  How's it feel ?"

Emilio - "I'm honestly kind of loving it, I have so many tiny pistols on me right now you have no idea."

Libra - "I fucking love my tiny pistols.  Need a light ?"

Emilio - "Got my own ... including the pack."

Libra - "Half my make-up and the bag itself."

Emilio - "Belt buckle."

Libra - "Cleavage piece."

Emilio - "Under each forearm."

Libra - "Child's play.  My heel's are fucking shotguns."

Emilio - "No shit ?"

Libra - "I can do a full splits hand-stand."

Emilio - "This will be required viewing."

Libra - "Hardcore lesbian."

Emilio - "Gay as fuck."

~ High fives.

Emilio - "I just don't think you can do that."

They drive sight-line from the outdoors cafe slowing down a bit, special guard at the gate to the seating with a metal detector and surprised guests, in the truck they burst out laughing.

Joe - Over the monitors huddled with many of the rest, watching the street-cam feed while the chief laughs evil ... "You're a mean old man."

They unload it all to the duffel all of the above mentioned and a few other things, though really the silenced pistols were the thing.  While in the cafe the governor appears nervously defiant, surrounded by guards.

Governor - In Spanish at the cafe, "Can anyone even tell me who the Hell, this 'Carlos' Even Is !?"

On entering they act as the rest do, startled with a nervous laugh at the metal detector and armed guards then shooing away as though a bit scared.  To the table then set for them an order of coffees and menu request.

Libra - From a glance to the governor on the phone, "Well what do you think ?"

Emilio - "Wondering why it's not a good sniper gig, look at this fucker hanging out here in the open like this."

Libra - "No proper angle in this neighborhood, his security at least thought that far.  And it's election year he's got something to prove.  'Tough on cartels'."

Emilio - "There's a short life span."

Libra - "Exactly.  Good for votes but then no one's surprised.  We think the ones we hunt set him up for a hit to shut him up.  Knows things, but they don't give a fuck about this town."

Emilio - "So their cover's already in play for us, leaving it to the lieutenant governor.  How's he ?"

~ LG - With tears in his eyes, "Anything."

Libra - "The chief chose this town well.  Surrounded by cartel in a circle of protection that give every reason for any random acts of violence we need."

Emilio - "The perfect FOB."

Chief - "I actually chose it because it's where the party was at."

Agent Corvallis - "Good enough for me."  Turns to leave.

Libra - "Seriously though, how are we gonna kill this guy ?"

Emilio - "There was no particular plan on your end ?"

~ Chief - To Libra, "So I want you to kill this guy."

Libra - "Non specific."

~ Chief - To Emilio, "Just try to enjoy yourself."

Emilio - "Same here."

Libra - "Well we've got silverware."

Emilio - "Steaks it is."  The menus arrive, the nods and smiles til departed.  "How long do you think before the effects of their plan reaches here."

Libra - "Maybe never.  Keeping the local signals cleared of it is why we need full control.  America's fucked though, and so is Europe.  Riots everywhere, Russia too.  The Korea's are at war ... I don't think either will survive."

Emilio - "Destroy themselves and calling it conquest, leaving everywhere without them the safest place in the world."

Libra - "That's why Russia's been networking in removed places.  We tap theirs next."

~ They order.

Emilio - "What about China ?"

Libra - "They don't fight wars, they make the bullets everyone else needs to win them.  It's how it's been for literally seven hundred years.  Suffice to say they've closed their borders.  No one even knows."

Emilio - "Damn.  So this really is it then."

Libra - "It is."

They note the governor walking with four security and joining the two more with his family at the table."

Emilio - "Jesus he's got his kids with him."

Libra - "That's why I'm here, scaring children is my specialty."

Emilio - "That's what they say ... but I was hoping it was just a thing they say."

Libra - "They say a lot of things."

Emilio - "Kill any ?"

Libra - "One.  Teenager if that counts.  Followed in daddy's footsteps.  Industry cultists."

Emilio - "Heard about them."

Libra - "Everything they say is true.  See the two children there ?  There were very briefly once three.  Called it a miscarriage."

Emilio - "Jesus.  So why did they team us up ?  Any one of us could do this hit.  You I get but why me ?"

Libra - "You tell me, you're a friendly.  If you ever want to talk, I'm here and you have my word I won't fuck with you.  Clearly I'm not gonna judge you."

Emilio - "You actually make that sound reasonable."

~ They get their steaks and knives.

Libra - "Therapy paid the bills.  Three of my targets were clients, including that kid.  Must have thought he was talking to a priest telling me all that shit.  Here we go."

They watch the two children escorted by two security inside.

~ two

In the restroom stall the boy hears a bump, then nothing.  The toilet flushes, he walks from the stall and looks around concerned.  The flush from another, Libra exits for the sink.

Boy - "Why ... are you using this one ?  Where's my man ?"

Libra - Washing her hands, "You're sister's locked in the girl's room right now, sometimes just being locked in a cage held powerless with a corpse is enough.  'Her man'.  Yours is in the stall between ours.  Wash your hands please."

He reaches to do so as she dries.

Libra - Washing blood from her hands, "Your father was a bad man you know.  I'm sorry for what has to be, but it really does."

Boy - "You're not from the local cartel.  My father warned me about people like you.  You're here to ransom me.  He'll pay."

Libra - "Oh no.  No he won't.  My partner's killing him now.  I'm sorry."

Boy - "Are you ?"

Libra - "Kinda.  For you."

Voiced over his sister crouched terrified in the corner, "I hope we don't have to come for you one day, I pray you and your sister and your mother just take the inheritance and run, live your lives away from this all."

Boy - "I knew when I saw you."

Libra - Smiles "Did you ?  What gave it away ?"

Boy - "Nothing.  I just knew."

Libra - "You seem like a very special boy."

Boy - "That's what they say.  That I'm special."

Libra - "I believe them."


Boy - "I know my father was a bad man.  I know he hurts my mother and I know the world hates him.  But it's only him.  Will you let my sister and mother live ?"

Libra - "What about you ?  Don't you have anything to live for ?"


Boy - "He left me alone with people."

Libra - "I know he did."  She hugs him in tears, "We're going to kill them too." 

He grips her tight, crying now himself.  She holds him back a bit and dries her tears with a handkerchief and then his, then puts it into his pocket, arranging it right.

Libra - "There we go.  Now I want you to go let your sister out of the bathroom, the door handle's just wedged, and go to your mother, she'll be crying over the body by now."

Boy - "No she won't."

Libra - Adjust his shirt, "Brave boy."  Then his hair with a smile while recollecting herself.  "It was very much my pleasure to meet you, young master Diaz."  Stands looking down proud, "May we never meet again.  Now go save your sister."

Out the door, the boy looks at the closed stall, bloody fingerprints at the door's edge.

The van passes a heavy security lining the road, brandishing apparently for show for new customers.  The gate opens and the van let through, these security if not mercenaries, closing in behind them.

Seller - Inside and strangely French, "I'm afraid I must know.  Why.  The United States Military would buy that which I have stolen from them, back from me.

"Let us be clear.  Why do you not just so foolishly try ... to take it from me.  As I've taken it from you ?"  Leans back waiting with his tea.

Voice - "Well they did send enough of us."

Seller - "Oh !"  Amused as he sips.  "Do go on."  The guards check each other looking offended.

Warden - "We're not paying you for it, we're paying you to say you blew it up."


Seller - "Interesting."  Puts it down and leans forward to examine the eyes, "And it even begins to tell me why ... "  The guards seem curious what it mean ...


A cellphone rings a tone familiar to the seller ('The Boys are Back in Town' by Thin Lizzie, main chorus), Lynx slides it across, he picks it up.

Seller - "Oh !  Agent Corvallis ... why did you not say ?"  The guards are like 'ah, got it'.


Seller - "Ah.  Of course.  Logical to the very end."  Hangs up and passes the phone back to one of his men, "Destroy it utterly."  Back to them, big smiles.  "It's parked right out back !"

They look at the truly massive AC 130, graffitied to hell and not pleasantly while someone currently at work on his masterpiece drops the paint can and doddles off.

Seller - Holding his tea, "Will there be anything else then ?"

Warden - "What else you got ?"

A laugh from the seller as he sips.  In the distance an M551 Sheridan tank lacking the Browning and some cold war era decommissioned Jeeps.

Back at the restaurant Emilio throws a spoon at a waiter causing him to drop a platter.  As all the guards and eaters looks, steak knife thrown to the governor's head.

He gets up as the guards turn to catch the governor's fall and slits their throats in a row pushing the back of each neck against the other serrated knife, falling them all in a pile. 

Walks away with a leap and fast climb over the trellis as Libra walks out from the restroom entryway, swipes two more knives and a spoon from a nearby table and places them on hers.

(song over)

Libra lets out a blood-curling scream and everyone sees the political mess before the governor's wife frozen completely in shock.

Thoughts while the cultists travel, a scene meant to mirror the prior of their web, that web now shrinking in cars boats and airplanes to a singular point.


There's something truly 80's even about the modern evil, something about that unbelievable cheese.  Audaciousness in their complete lack of moral compass.

The sheer cartoonishness of their false smiles and clothes.

I see the modern politician and laugh at their own self caricature of an existence, wondering how anyone could ever take this person seriously.  I see businessmen in hollywood and like the rest of the world astound at their complete inability to entertain.

~ As in the lead limousine parading the like to the woodland lodge, Ghost awaits induction in chains.  Flanked by unpleasant guards but treated well by that same back of the head with his drinks.

They do it for more money than they'll spend in a lifetime, claiming all the while it was for the kids.  Who the nannies raise in their stead, when not left alone with friends of the family.  'Legacy'. 

Far too often the kinds Monroe knows too well.

And now descending on the woods for ritual in their polyester robes and animal masks for ritual and horror yet still ... there's just something very '80's about it all.

Know what I mean ?

And their plans are always so ... cartoonish.  

Create a virus and rule the world.  Create a terrorist threat and rule the world.  Divide the people turning them on each other, rule the world without an army.

Could be just that everyone involved is really very old.  Monstrosities of surgical obsessions which often left under the mask is a beast more frightening than the ceremonial totem they've taken on superficially.

So inward and removed in a shrinking subculture of social extremities, the only thing that seems real among them is the tears of their lovely sacrifices.  Tied to the surrounding trees behind their seats.

In carved chairs a circle of these carved elder faces sit watching as Ghost is led in.  He sees a castle incongruously filled with it's very historical decorations all calling to a time and a near militarized security force.

A close eye will spot the similar patters of security, if not the faces themselves among them from the earlier party, joined by many more.  This is clearly a do.

The back of the head waits for him, a skinny and shirtless youth just old enough to buy, masked with antler horns as a self proclaimed pagan god in the woods.

The kind of vegetarian who would feign to shoot a deer but not a man.

~ three

Culty Evil Leader Guy with Antlers - "First tell us all then.  Why do you betray your own for ours.  Make us a believer."

Ghost - Looks around without emotion, then back to the buck.  "Do you know what it means to be disavowed ?"

Buck - "Among our kind it means I think to be 'blacklisted'."

Ghost - "Yeah.  Well among mine it means being so good at what you do, you get the kinds of jobs you always wanted."  Looks at the clear elder, then back to the buck, "Which means secret ops.  Black ops."  He examines the jawline under the antlers, "Which means ... "

Buck - "Disavowed."

Ghost - "It means forgotten.  No paper trail.  No pension.  No glory.  Nothing you did ever mattered, no one ever even knows and those who do will never speak of it.  I have done things."

Buck - "Circles walking, "And you will do these things for us ?"

Ghost - Looks up at the moon, marking where the tree meets it.  "You know it's like with the CIA.  So many go rogue because they have all these assets in play.  Undercover connections in every operation even you could dream of.  And then they're just supposed to ... retire.  With no money.  Disavowed.

"So they go homelessBeggars.  You will never know the things that broken man you pass on the street, has done.  Nor how honorably he did it."

Buck - "And none of it mattered at all.  You know.  My father was a once lord of this council.  But he betrayed us.

"And even though he died in this very circle by my very own hands, even after I faced down the furies for my own blood crimes, my family name still lay in his disgrace.  BlacklistedDisavowed.  I had to earn my way back. 

"Piece by piece and piece by piece I did.  And now, I am the prime inheritor.  Smiles over his shoulder, "From a man who despises me."  Notes that elder's discomfort and returns to Ghost, "So I understand, starting overYou would be my hand."

"But first, trust.  We've verified everyone's currently on mission, your base near empty.  And like you said, only your commander remains and we will take it now.  We've already sent our best.  All of them.

"But empty, means not knowing.  Where did they go ?"

Ghost - Looks up at the moon having passed just that bit ... "Pretty sure it was to go fuck your mother's daughter's sister's cousin-wife twice removed from a two bit fucking man-whore traitor son of a bitch you called 'daddy', you inbred fucking freak

"Fat bitch has one serious fucking appetite."

One of the sacrifices snickers from the tree ties, the nearby elder gives a glare over the shoulder.

Ghost - Sitting in the infirmary with the doctor and the chief, "Exactly how far up my ass would a tracker have to go to be undetectable ?"

The chief and doctor give each other a look.

The buck hits him across the face hard one punch after the other with an animal fury but honestly kind of a gimp arm ... as the AC-130 flies low over the city's clock tower with a storm front spinning in its immediate wake to hide from radar and report.

Another punch across the face, Ghost seen laughing a response which makes the buck more mad, another sacrifice breaks out laughing cold while an elder hides the snicker from the judgement of others.

Inside all forty wait with parachutes on, two jeeps with mounted guns on their pallets, drivers inside checking systems.  The elders note the distant lightning.

The rain drops on them all suddenly, all torches go out and passes just as face.  On board the plane the NV goes on, everyone readying for the hunt as MK44's  from the AC-130 start to fire.

Back hatch dropping down at the hard turn angle, the parachutes start dropping to surround the grounds, cannons working the castle, drenched security now in a panic response.

As the city floods under the twirling winds ~

Blind and pointless shots at dropping chutes, soldiers firing back to cover their landing.  And when the last touch down and the gunship departs with the storm, the buck puts an ego sized gun to Ghost's head.

Buck - "Well at least one thing stands true about you.  Your name."

Ghost - Looks back to the buck from the sight of a collapsing castle, and with a laugh to the gun's oversized barrel.  "Do you actually fuck you mother with that complex ?"

A wince of rage about to pull before the gun's shot out of his hand, then an antler shot off, taking the mask with it, an enraged boy of a man underneath, he turns in a glaring rage to run for the trees with the rest.

It's a lot like a fox hunt.

Among the most horrific of what humankind has to offer, creatures who have done things so despairingly unreal, no one could believe human beings could even exist under the mask.

Animals in the woods, twisted effigies of nature but only the one unmasked in Lord of the Flies.  He watches an elder fall as a squad floods them, another in another.
But the she-bird creature of a thing still hiding her identity makes do with a blade held for the ceremony, etched with the symbols of a Solomonian sacrifice. 

This one a survivor, she knows the difference between practitioners, these tools are hard to make.  To be forged by its own user, she watches as another falls by the gun, whose blade was far too manufactured.

Their lack of concern for a nearby elder's fall, the flash in their eyes and a wicked smile displays their shared belief that this is evolution.  And if they can survive it, they will rule in these fallen stead all around them who they already know to fail.

They lay low using them for cover to escape with a push of the last into a hail of bullets before the bush.  Fast and agile.

A red light flashes on the chief's desk, in the window behind a parachute problem of his own.  A grin as the compound grates over the windows slam shut, all doors plated over but the front double doors which swing wide open.

~ In the woods the hunt continues, runners are chased down by jeeps until forced into tighter packs of thicker trees before the grenade, the tank finishes the castle.

The chief checks his goggles and flexes the control glove, a map displays on the floor in front of him with footage from cameras popping to relevant screens.

Small enough to be worn as any glove with wires up the sleeve to the headset, he checks the pistol in the other hand before the doors in front of him fly open to the intruders' surprise, a small squad of four.

If noticed they all have a similar appearance to his own team, as well as the same overall count.

~ Accentuated by their likenesses in the woods doing what they came to do.

While in the hall they fall with lights going out, the slamming shut of the front door and plated over. 

NV clicks on and he hunts them one by one and teams of four until a final shot from their commander, another old man, stops him.  Looming over for the final shot ~

Bad Guy - "You were good ... but"

Chief - "Oh fuck off."  Clicks a bad red button on a detonator switch, and the exploding begins ... he looks back and the chief is gone.

Outside the compound a series of explosions through seen by a guy who looks kinda like Ghost before he covers from the debris.  Stands again and calls it in.

Monroe stands with the new governor on the edge of a cliff and in a tuxedo, red rose in his lapel, herself in funerary holding another dozen under a lace trimmed hat dangling low.

Gov - "This my final act, will finally prove my love to you, you ask for anything and prove it to you with you my life.  My love.  For you.  My wife."

Monroe - Smiles the very red lipstick, "I do."

She kisses her finger and puts it to his lips as he closes his eyes in ecstasy, slowly letting himself fall backward to the rocks below.  A pause to smell the roses, she tosses them over the cliff then followed by the hat. 

The wig and the dress leaving another short dress beneath a bob, peels off the old face and drops it the duffel with the rest, leaving the real one unseen as she walks away.

(mid credits)

Elsewhere in the world, Emilio and Libra stumble home laughing with bottles of champagne past a low key compound with two guards at the door.

Emilio - Laughing hard, "I'm saying ... I just don't, fucking believe, that you, can do that !"  Drinks.  "No fucking way.  Proof and pudding, baby."

Libra - Laughing with, "Fine."  Drinks.  "Hold this."  Slams the bottle to his chest and turns to the guards as she tears her skirt slit high.  "Boys, will you settle something for me ?" 

Leaping forward to a hand stand doing the splits, she cocks her arms bobbing her (while making a gun-cocking sound) and pops both their heads with her shot gun heels.

(after credits)

Slamming the rest, they flip the bottles to club with, while peeping through the door's window at the noisy but tired response.

Emilio - "Just remember it takes no less than six hits across average skulls, before it breaks."

Libra - "Bullshit.  Try three."

Gives her a look like's she's insane, they enter and heard from outside some beating sounds (Libra heard "Break damn you !") before the breaking pop of bottle sounds ... a couple of screams, a little bit of begging ... and then silence.

Libra - Still heard from outside, "Oh.  My.  God."

Emilio - "This ... practically proves the entire operation."

Two car doors slam, an engine roars before a cheese-ball red Lamborghini from the 80's breaks through the garage doors before screeching away laughing.

Static to the news, a neighbor stands outside the wrecked mansion while the bodies are dug out.

Neighbor - "The crazy Americans ?  Oh yeah they ded."  Static out.


On some unknown rooftop ~

Dore - "Jesus Fuck will you hurry up."  He draws and fires his pistol down the stairs.

Ghost - Unpacking his rifle parts into assembly, looks up at sky in a world of calm ... "One sec."  Continues.

Dore - "Just ... o fuck."  Pulls the other pistol and charges in with a death roar.

Ghost - Setting up the barometer ... picks it back up and polishes the glass with his shirt, places it back.  Adjusts it a bit.  "Yep."

Dore - Flies from the door behind Ghost's adjustment of the scope.  Stomping back he pulls the shotgun from his back.  "Fuck this shit."  Loads.

Ghost - Polishes the lens, "You got that door ?"

Dore - Firing down the doorway, "I got your fucking door."  Still firing until something grabs his foot and pulls hard, sending the shotgun flying.  "Ghost !"

Ghost - To the sound of a beating, "Yep."  He peers into the scope ... 

Dore - Suffering greatly, "Take the fucking shot !"

Ghost - "Okay."  A calm exhale, he takes the shot.

Stands and begins the disassembly back into the briefcase.  Dore commando rolls from the door and grabs the shotgun,, He opens fire again before it's grabbed by the barrel, pulling him in by the strap.

Dore - "Ghost !"  Is he getting kicked now maybe ?  Hard to say what that sound is.

Ghost - Closing the case, "Yo."

Dore - "Did we get him ?"

Ghost - Walking through the door, "We got him."  The door shuts quietly and locks behind him.

~ Biological Weapons ~

A tank rolls desperate down the road, know they usually top at 45 mph, this one hopped to the speed limit which is about as fast as you get in tank world.  Two cold war jeeps flank support, with which lucky to hit 90 if you're a goddamn engine swapping mechanical genius.

That'd be the Sheridan tank's engineer, working hard on the overcooked engine over the suited man all tied up and black bagged on the crowded floor, banging around on all the hard corners as they bounce.

Which would explain all the private police following them, in vehicles that actually 'achieve speeds'.

Gunner - "Shillelagh."

The loader loads a missile, launched to boom, the driver drives a hard straight path down the very long road.  The M151 jeeps fast fitted with mounted SAWs, (big machine gun) were the last of what was considered 'a jeep' in the army.

They swarm the flanks and really do try to go for the wheels but the tank's gunner ... hard to say.

Gunner - "Tow."

A cam guided missile fires while the loader nerds over the controls with a wicked laugh, steering its flight unto the boom.

Gunner and loader - "Whoo !"  As the cars following tumble to a blockage before the bridge ahead.

The engineer pops from the hatch and throws C4 clay with a gel coating to the base and pylons behind as the jeeps pull ahead.

Driver - "I wanna push the button."

Engineer - "No way."

Driver - "I wanna make the boom."

Engineer - "Fine ... "  Passes the switch, the driver hits it.

From the jeeps outside - "Too Soon !  TOO SOON !"  The bridge crumbles behind them a splash of a tank in a river.  


It bobs back up, the Sheridan was truly a remarkable tank.  With a pause for the engine switch, it rolls up the riverbed and back to the road past a sign saying Guadalajara 48 KM with more private police converging in the roads ahead.

Around 30 miles, which at their speed means about what's left of the 45 minute episode, timed and cut for network with commercials, or not.  Scene ends with the suit who seems to have given up the struggle.

Voiced over the last shot of the suit ~

Libra - "How many dead ?"

Chief - "The news averages it around 10,000, for what that information is worth."

Joe - "But it exists."

Emilio - "The lock-downs have already begun.  America's shuttering its stores, no one will have work.  People will lose their homes."

Joe - "That seems to be the plan.  Remove the working class."

Chief - "They took their losses and decided to amplify.  But we assume they must know that weaponized viruses never last long in the wild.  So we assume they're going to maximize output, and distribution.  With a constant need to update the original strain."

Joe - "With lesser results each time."

Chief - "For as long as they can.  So everyone will be locked in their homes, with nothing but their propaganda."

Libra - "How certain are we that this isn't a strain that can last ?  Maybe they cracked it."

Chief - "That's your job to find out.  We need to know if it's hubris ?  Or have they in fact cracked the code on a virus that can survive.  Meanwhile we've got teams tracking potential distributors."

Libra - To Joe, "From this data do you think they've cracked the code ?"


Joe - "No.  I think they're arrogant and dismissive."

Libra - "I've seen the news ... I'd have to agree.  Their confidence is false, but I agree we need more."

Emilio - "And me ?"

Joe - "Get her back."

Chief - "She's on point.  We need footage inside the labs.  We don't have the kind of doctor here needed to verify what we see, but we can assess the mindsets of the workers."

Chief - "Their patterns.  Their jokes.  Who they respect."

Joe - "And who they think is just wrong, in one way or another."

Chief - "You've got one distraction, via Agent Corvallis.  On route to tour the facility right now, and you'll be there first."

Libra - "See what patterns they relax back into after a stressor in a comfortable environment, it can tell you a lot.  But how do we get in?  All we'll know is how the front door works for people who are welcome."

Chief - "Improvise.  Welcome to the best of the best, Major.  Dismissed."

Joe smiles her off with a joke salute before a drink.


Chief - "Staff Sergeant Stefan.  Anything else ?"

Emilio - "Body count sir.  Is there any reason not to just destroy the installation ?  If we find what we already know is there ?"


Chief - "Not yet.  But if comes to that I expect you'll volunteer."

Emilio - "Absolutely."

Chief - "Right now we've got people inside and not just Agent Corvallis.  Body count zero.  For now.  We need to observe a stable environment, to assess the situation and predict their next step."


Joe - Seeing him not moving ... "Got a thought ?"

Emilio - "What if I set the charges while we're already there ?  High heat to burn off any risk of an outbreak.  To be detonated on a whim.  Libra is quite capable, I think I may be bored while I'm there."


Joe - A glance from the chief and a nod.  "May as well.  Demolitions expert's out on task ...

~ a grenade flies from the tank hatch with a "Whoo !"

Joe - "So you'll have to make do."

A knock at the door ~

Frenchman (the seller) - From behind the door, "May I have my office back please, I have my own nefarious meetings to arrange."

Frenchman - In the yard with forty Praetorians lingering about barrack tents. "When will you find another property ?"

Joe - "As soon as the teams are done mugging distributors."  He hands him a list of names.

Frenchman - Reading ... "Oh !  Well fair enough then.  I hate them all."  Pushes the page back to him, "Make yourselves at home.  Briefly."

Joe - "Well ... we'll need a plane too."

A look from the Frenchman ...

A Vietnam War era Cessna A-37B Dragonfly decommissioned from the Chilean Air Force rolls for take off from the yard, engine roar on low while a long row of these familiar black SUV's rolls down a longer dusty road.

Inside one will never know how many are with whom, Corvallis looks completely at home among the three others facing two by two in the back with another two up front, loaded up like bullets in a conspiratorial six gun.

The plane bows with the runway, the engines fire up and it pushes it's flight, as elsewhere they drive.  A viewer could struggle to see which among whom was seen at the old base manor, the appearance of all seeming the same intentional.

Of course so one does not recognize them any other way, making it harder to say who was at the base more casually attired.  But in fact it's one in each of the six cars, in one cases the driver, the other the a front seat passenger.

In the plane it's combat bio-hazard season, with masks at the ready and full comm kits, sealed to the glove in a cockpit quick fitted to decontaminate.  Emilio pilots, being so apt with infiltration and destruction.

Two seats side by side two among jets is a rarity, another of history's unexpected surprises as he flies impossibly close to the ground, nothing Libra is unfamiliar with as she sight sees out the side.  

He flashes the bright colored lights.

A bump up over a gap in security at the border wall and down again.  Indeed noticed with some hesitation what to do about it as it angles over the nearby treeline and down again out of sight.  May as well have been a flying saucer.

The black suits approach the distant structure looking like a grain refinery, pipes and walkways as well patrolled as can be inconspicuous, the Dragonfly slows for its dusty landing, past the distant hill.

~ two

The tank rolls hard on the pavement, swarmed with these private security in black cars but lights pretending on top, and now joined by the real ones, all descended on the crossroads.

The jeeps file through firing mad, their only advantage that they have such fewer numbers, the cars pile up on each other, herded in ways like a mad herd charged by two predators steering them to a trap which invariably will be the cannon shot.

Boom !

A flank is tossed.  A raw shot at their congested wall sends three to rolling, piled behind by wave of more, the jeeps focus fire at their halted motion to shred their wheels.
Herd the rest into another wave to buy in on the reload time.

Boom.  Inside the tank, hard at work, the bagged suited man with his hands tied bouncing along annoyed, struggling to remain seated upright with tied feet.  His head bangs the wall, a gag muffled sound of pissed off under the bag.

Libra and Emilio watch from the hill with binoculars.

Libra - "They've got dogs, we can't send a sonic ping for the mapping resonator, it'll attract them.  We're going in blind."

Emilio - As the caravan arrives, "Hang on.  Check your motive view." 

(it's a motion detector which generates a composite image of anything moving at abnormal speed in comparison with the background)

Libra - Watching the blurs of security move for the gate, "Holy shit.  It's an unannounced visit."

Emilio - "Agent Corvallis ... "

Libra - "Think that's really his name ?"

Emilio - "Is your name really Libra ?"

Libra - "Sure !"  Scanning with the binoculars, "Hey check the back section, rear corner.  So long as their not actually processing grain here, that's out way in."

Emilio - A glance, the area around, "We go now."  They pick up and run.

At the complex gate, the administrator of sorts ~

The Administrator approaches out with security en force as the SUVs empty, "I'm sorry, I was only just informed moments ago of your arrival.  This is very unusual, and we are not prepared."

Corvallis - "We did not wish to see you prepared Ms ... "

Ms Berg - "Berg.  But I'm afraid Dr Heisenstein is not here right now."

Corvallis - Looking around as the rest file in, "We did not come to see Dr Heisenstein, Administrator Berg.  We came to tour the facility."

Ms Berg - "I'm sorry, Is there a problem ?  Is something happening here ?"

Corvallis - "Just a tour of the facility."


Ms Berg - A laugh and a smile, "Of course, my apologies."  Suddenly an incredible host, "We are at your disposal." 

She waves the security off, they linger back to their patrols.  
One can see the mistrust for these agents as whole, even to them under normal circumstances the scientists are ordered to obey them, if never knowing exactly why.

Nonetheless more than that, they are feared.  Feeling like just one look and the operation shuts down, leading only to the mandates of their own silence.  
The security is less aware of this, these are more like those seen before at the party, their likenesses in gear becoming more noticeable.  
They display a bit for the passing agents and are ignored, but for one who leaves a shoulder in the path.  An agent places his hand on it gently to move it aside as though it were a curtain, but with a firmness which breaks his will completely.

The rest return to their duties.

Ms Berg - "Where first ?"

Corvallis - Looks around between the rest, then to the man who blocked the way with a smile, "The barracks I think.  We'll work their path from there to the labs, piece by piece.  Step by step.  One by one.  While my people, secure the area."

Ms Berg - "If I may ask, it sounds as though you suspect a security breach ?  Is it true ?"

Corvallis -   Still watching the guard, then to her.  "You may not."  They carry on, "Is it this way I believe Ms Berg ?" 

Ms Berg - A hard look to the security fool, "Indeed it is.  We will see to this one." 

Corvallis - "No need.  His territoriality,".  A smile to him, then back, "Serves you well."  
As they walk on the security kid calls that one in and now the entire force is offset, these agents everywhere as a presence, but not actually looking for anything.

A guard walks by, metal pipe cuts through close to the wall in the corner's shadow from inside after he passes, the heavy piece lifted out by two magnetic handles applied within.

The crawl out, he reapplies three fast welds to hold the plate.

The guards are dressed in black, often private security relies on fear and force over tactic, their numbers more loosely regimented.  So everything black and polished with well placed pieces of armor leading to the helmeted gas mask.

A strange fit among the white bio-hazard suits of the doctors and technicians.

Emilio and Libra work the shadows in their own dark camo, hazard sealed as well but more high end militaria grunt than polished drones such as these.  They have to be, to get these kinds of jobs.

The guards' tasks are kept tight, their conversation minimal, the unwinding happens in the barracks.

Libra - "We'll need a link to the barracks as well.  Different uniforms but very similar patterns to some of the security at the ball.  Let's hear what they talk about."

Emilio - "Work."

Libra - "Probably ... wait."

The clicking of dog nails with the jangle of a chain.

Libra - "Get the sonic imager ready."  She digs in her satchel, "Send a pulse when I say now."  Pulls out a small leather sack.

Emilio pulls out the imager and readies it then stares at the sack ... a look like 'what the hell !?'  She pours some red powder along the corner shadow, then points to the next safe spot, they wait for another guard to pass and move fast in silence.  
The dog sniffs along the floor inhaling the powder, begins sneezing and pawing the nose, head side to side, pulling on the chain erratically.  The guard shines a light, nothing there.

Libra nods to Emilio, he sends the pulse.

The guard looks at the dog, the dog looks back sad, then a sneeze.  Instinct sends the flashlight to where they were, but they're gone.  The dog sneezes again ...

The guard looks around at the scientists in the lab ahead ... back at the dog with the runny nose ... "That can't be good."

Libra - Checking the map from the sonic imager, now a distance away.  "Cayenne."  She taps a panel on the wall looking around, "This one."

Back to scrolling the map with a vague patrol layout frozen on a vague map, Emilio works the panel screws.  

Libra - "I need you to strip all the main feed wires without cutting them, and attach this."  She hands him a little box with a lot of ready wires hanging off.

Emilio - "How does it transmit ?"

Libra - "Through their internet router.  How's the explosives."

Emilio - "Ready to distribute.  We need the bigger boom in the lab's core.  The cooling units will be volatile.  Another to the basement boilers will be good."

Libra - "How do we transmit the detonation ?"

Emilio - Attaching her box with another linking it through to the main cable, "E-mail."  Smiles, "Great minds."  Closes the casing.

Libra - "Well Staff Sergeant, my assignment is complete.  Your orders."

Emilio - "The barracks."

Libra - A laugh, "Sir yes sir."

In the barracks ~

A guard - "Yes sir."  He salutes.

Corvallis - "Agent Corvallis will do.  Open this locker please."

Guard - "This one sir ?  Agent.  Corvallis.  Sir."

Corvallis - "I'm sorry.  I've just changed my mind.  How about that one over there ?"

Guard - "Um."

Corvallis - "Yes this one.  If you please."

The guard complies, Corvallis rifles the belongings and pulls out a single vial from the lab, and shows it to Ms Berg.

Corvallis - "Because where there is smoke, Administrator Berg."  He watches Libra and Emilio plant explosives behind them while they all stare at the vial, "There is fire." 

A smile and into the pocket.

Corvallis - Now lets find out what compound, exactly, this vial matches while you arrest this locker's owner.

That one fucking guard chained to a chair in their walk in cooler - "I didn't do a goddamn thing."

Corvallis - "No ... I don't believe that you did.  What I believe, is that somebody got desperate with so few moments before our arrival, and set you up because they heard us in the hall.

"Five minutes before that I think, it was in another locker entirely.  And if you had to guess ... who's would that have been ?"


Guard - "Okay.  So there's this one fucking guy ... "