~ three

Libra holds two children's heads to watch as their uncle is beaten to death with pipes, security strangled, all getting kicked before stomped into bone cracking.

Libra - Dressed and a nanny, she leans between their ears sweetly.  "We're gonna kill your daddy now.  And one day ... if you study real hard and drink your milk to follow in his footsteps ... "  An endearing little laugh ... "it could be you."

The boy struggles in tears to look away, the girls just stares into her uncle's dying eyes with near excitement, a fast smile ~

The plane flies over the capitol party, two chutes drop for the roof.  Inside ... the party !

Monroe - Dancing with Money, "I'm sorry about your airplane ... "

Money - "Don't."

Monroe - "Look.  We're married.  See these rings ?  So honey, we're just going to have to make it work.  Now look at me.  I'm going to teach you how I do what I do.  Look at me."

Money - "I'm looking."

Monroe - "Not really but it'll do.  Now imagine everything I want in a man."

Money - "I can't even imagine."

Monroe - "It's now your job to figure that out.  See those two guys over there ?  Totally scoping me because they can see you're a cold fish.  You don't need to know what I want.  Just guess !

"Nobody knows they want and if they did, the prospect of having it would terrify them.  They just want to be wanted.  And close enough wins the game.  It means surprises.  Which is exciting.

"While perfect is suspicious to suspicious people so ... I am sorry about your plane.  I really am."

~ As the plane flies, empty of personage but filled with boom and a panicking auto-pilot light, the courthouse ahead.

Money - A laugh, he moves a lock hair from her face and into the rest of her do.  Smiles, "Just a thing.  Guess I'm trading up."

Monroe - Smiles back, "There ya go."

The fuck-boys watch them kiss and turn away annoyed at the end of the song clip when the plane hits the courthouse.

A distance from where the police are called in force to rush the courthouse scene after the explosion, arrival of press on the horizon.

Dore - Getting out of the shitty old truck with Ghost, "Ever heard of Suicide Mouse ?"  He checks his pistols and applies suppressors.

Ghost - Opening his briefcase to assemble the sniper rifle.  "Suicide Mouse.  Is that one of these fucks we don't know ?"  Opens a panel and pulls a fat wad of cash and hands it to him.

Dore - "Are you shitting me ?"

Ghost - "Half the gig.  Minus your mom."

Dore - Flips it through, all hundreds but four twenties on the bottom.  "Literally twenty dollars shy.  I swear to God."

Ghost - "So did she.  So Suicide Mouse."


Dore - A laugh, money in the bag.  "You're a sick fuck I thought you might like to know.  It's this cartoon made by Mr Walter Disney himself.  But it's so fucked up, they refuse claim it.

"So it floats around.  People making copies.  Doesn't matter who made it or how much it looks like a mickey, and by the way a 'mickey' was a word with a meaning, back in the day. 

"Like the two little pills on his breeches."

Ghost - A laugh, "Okay I'm in.  Fucked up how ?"

Dore - "Like, people died.  I looked into it.  Lots of stories, but one was verifiable.  So this film critic, very well know and still alive, was archiving old Mickey Mouse cartoons for like a historical compilation.  'Box set', when DVDs were invented.

"Hours and hours of these old cartoons, and most weren't put out for a reason.  Scraps and experimentals.  You know they watch them in a theater his assistant and him, and now he's bored as fuck.

"So he goes home and tells his assistant to watch the rest and like ... do a book report or whatever just give him the notes.  He doesn't fucking care anymore if ever he did.  So she does.  And on comes 'Suicide Mouse'.

Ghost - "She ded ?"

Dore - "She ded.  Walked right outta there mumbling 'Real suffering is not known.'  Then right the fuck home and kills herself.  No known issues, no psychology, just Suicide Mouse.

"But you know.  'Hollywood'.  People die for a lot of reasons."

Ghost - "Heard that."

Dore - "Good money.  So this critic's like on with the show.  Sends another assistant."

Ghost - "Damn.  She ded ?"

Dore - "'They say', less verifiably, that she was sent to the asylum for trying. All medical records are still locked down.  So he sends a third.  Does the report and walks away fine.

Ghost - "That's almost scarier."

Dore - "No shit.  But if you ask the critic about it, he'll just look you dead in the eye and say, 'Never saw that one'.  And it will absolutely be the end of that conversation."

Ghost - "And it's just ... out there."

Dore - "They can not stop it, without admitting, it exists."  Pulls a flash drive from his pocket, "Here ya go."


Ghost - "Disavowed."  Truly touched, "Thanks man."  Hand on his shoulder, "That's ... I'm sorry I put your grandmother on the internet."

Dore - "My grandmother's already on the internet."

Ghost - "I know."  Action loads, "Kill a motherfucker ?"

Dore - Action loads, "Kill a motherfucker."

Inside the event, Money and Monroe watch to see who's notified first of the explosion, marking them with a camera in the corsage, noting what kind of security joins whom.

While outside the function's street parking Dore uses the security confusion from the crash to climb a pole to affix a camera, before dropping back down to Ghost keeping watch. 

They duck for the alleyway, where Ghost grabs back up his leaning rifle.  Dore throws a hook on a rope to pull down the steps, and up the fire escape they go ... 

Now two blocks away watching ~

Dore - "Who's the mark ?"

Ghost - Adjusting the scope, "First guy out the door ... "

Dore - "Should be the one with the fastest intel and that would be one Mr Nancy while our new friends watch how everyone's security responds.  This tactical Joe could be alright.  What do you think of these two ?"

Ghost - "I know Monroe's solid, in her way.  If you know you know.  I've only seen the pilot drop agency spooks and run, but I am surprised he gave up his airplane."

Dore - "Clean slates.  Old cargo.  It means he's in or very interested in it looking like it.  I've seen him infiltrate, once, standard plays, shot to shot, door to door, knows when to and when not to."

Ghost - "I'd say the same about MonroeHere we go."

~ A pause and an exhale, a businessman with a woman both surrounded by security drops.

Inside the party the room goes active with the woman's scream, fast from curious rumor to security situation. 

They watch to see who's most protected, who already knows the safe room way, whose sensibilities stand out from the panicking rest, marking them all.  On the distant rooftop, nothing to be seen.

Ghost drives while Dore flips open a computer to the camera feed, watching the parking lot as security pours out first, then weeded through by the party goers, spots Money and Monroe stumble out like the rest of the fools for their cars and between two SUVs and over the bush unseen.

Dore - Closes the comp, "And done is done."

Ghost - Checks the mirror uninterested and eyes back forward, "I respect your father's cock." 

Dore stares unsure what that even means ... a thump behind as Money and Monroe flop over the back and pull over the tarp as they drive away, still in Guadalajara.

Driving off into the distance fade ...

Back in the manor the pictures and names checked, the last of the cars drives away, security goes inside.  A last pop of a small charge in the camera sends it spinning sailing into the street.

Pictures compared to film, cars and security of each noted, while Money and Monroe watch over, verifying their observations.

Through the quieted song ~

Ghost - In a coffee shop, to an unseen across the table.  "Yeah.  Everyone will be on mission, leaving just the Chief.  All alone.  Agencies packed it in to disappear again."

Guest - "Ghosting ?"

Ghost - "Something like that.  They don't tell me much."

Guest - "And the mission ?"

Ghost - "I don't know yet, no one does.  Just that it's big."

Guest - "Hitting our militia I think.  In for a surprise when they find the place empty."

Ghost - "I'd imagine so.  So am I in ?"

Guest - "Like Flynn."

The glasses clink, the song picks up and out to intermission.