
On some unknown rooftop ~

Dore - "Jesus Fuck will you hurry up."  He draws and fires his pistol down the stairs.

Ghost - Unpacking his rifle parts into assembly, looks up at sky in a world of calm ... "One sec."  Continues.

Dore - "Just ... o fuck."  Pulls the other pistol and charges in with a death roar.

Ghost - Setting up the barometer ... picks it back up and polishes the glass with his shirt, places it back.  Adjusts it a bit.  "Yep."

Dore - Flies from the door behind Ghost's adjustment of the scope.  Stomping back he pulls the shotgun from his back.  "Fuck this shit."  Loads.

Ghost - Polishes the lens, "You got that door ?"

Dore - Firing down the doorway, "I got your fucking door."  Still firing until something grabs his foot and pulls hard, sending the shotgun flying.  "Ghost !"

Ghost - To the sound of a beating, "Yep."  He peers into the scope ... 

Dore - Suffering greatly, "Take the fucking shot !"

Ghost - "Okay."  A calm exhale, he takes the shot.

Stands and begins the disassembly back into the briefcase.  Dore commando rolls from the door and grabs the shotgun,, He opens fire again before it's grabbed by the barrel, pulling him in by the strap.

Dore - "Ghost !"  Is he getting kicked now maybe ?  Hard to say what that sound is.

Ghost - Closing the case, "Yo."

Dore - "Did we get him ?"

Ghost - Walking through the door, "We got him."  The door shuts quietly and locks behind him.

~ Biological Weapons ~

A tank rolls desperate down the road, know they usually top at 45 mph, this one hopped to the speed limit which is about as fast as you get in tank world.  Two cold war jeeps flank support, with which lucky to hit 90 if you're a goddamn engine swapping mechanical genius.

That'd be the Sheridan tank's engineer, working hard on the overcooked engine over the suited man all tied up and black bagged on the crowded floor, banging around on all the hard corners as they bounce.

Which would explain all the private police following them, in vehicles that actually 'achieve speeds'.

Gunner - "Shillelagh."

The loader loads a missile, launched to boom, the driver drives a hard straight path down the very long road.  The M151 jeeps fast fitted with mounted SAWs, (big machine gun) were the last of what was considered 'a jeep' in the army.

They swarm the flanks and really do try to go for the wheels but the tank's gunner ... hard to say.

Gunner - "Tow."

A cam guided missile fires while the loader nerds over the controls with a wicked laugh, steering its flight unto the boom.

Gunner and loader - "Whoo !"  As the cars following tumble to a blockage before the bridge ahead.

The engineer pops from the hatch and throws C4 clay with a gel coating to the base and pylons behind as the jeeps pull ahead.

Driver - "I wanna push the button."

Engineer - "No way."

Driver - "I wanna make the boom."

Engineer - "Fine ... "  Passes the switch, the driver hits it.

From the jeeps outside - "Too Soon !  TOO SOON !"  The bridge crumbles behind them a splash of a tank in a river.  


It bobs back up, the Sheridan was truly a remarkable tank.  With a pause for the engine switch, it rolls up the riverbed and back to the road past a sign saying Guadalajara 48 KM with more private police converging in the roads ahead.

Around 30 miles, which at their speed means about what's left of the 45 minute episode, timed and cut for network with commercials, or not.  Scene ends with the suit who seems to have given up the struggle.

Voiced over the last shot of the suit ~

Libra - "How many dead ?"

Chief - "The news averages it around 10,000, for what that information is worth."

Joe - "But it exists."

Emilio - "The lock-downs have already begun.  America's shuttering its stores, no one will have work.  People will lose their homes."

Joe - "That seems to be the plan.  Remove the working class."

Chief - "They took their losses and decided to amplify.  But we assume they must know that weaponized viruses never last long in the wild.  So we assume they're going to maximize output, and distribution.  With a constant need to update the original strain."

Joe - "With lesser results each time."

Chief - "For as long as they can.  So everyone will be locked in their homes, with nothing but their propaganda."

Libra - "How certain are we that this isn't a strain that can last ?  Maybe they cracked it."

Chief - "That's your job to find out.  We need to know if it's hubris ?  Or have they in fact cracked the code on a virus that can survive.  Meanwhile we've got teams tracking potential distributors."

Libra - To Joe, "From this data do you think they've cracked the code ?"


Joe - "No.  I think they're arrogant and dismissive."

Libra - "I've seen the news ... I'd have to agree.  Their confidence is false, but I agree we need more."

Emilio - "And me ?"

Joe - "Get her back."

Chief - "She's on point.  We need footage inside the labs.  We don't have the kind of doctor here needed to verify what we see, but we can assess the mindsets of the workers."

Chief - "Their patterns.  Their jokes.  Who they respect."

Joe - "And who they think is just wrong, in one way or another."

Chief - "You've got one distraction, via Agent Corvallis.  On route to tour the facility right now, and you'll be there first."

Libra - "See what patterns they relax back into after a stressor in a comfortable environment, it can tell you a lot.  But how do we get in?  All we'll know is how the front door works for people who are welcome."

Chief - "Improvise.  Welcome to the best of the best, Major.  Dismissed."

Joe smiles her off with a joke salute before a drink.


Chief - "Staff Sergeant Stefan.  Anything else ?"

Emilio - "Body count sir.  Is there any reason not to just destroy the installation ?  If we find what we already know is there ?"


Chief - "Not yet.  But if comes to that I expect you'll volunteer."

Emilio - "Absolutely."

Chief - "Right now we've got people inside and not just Agent Corvallis.  Body count zero.  For now.  We need to observe a stable environment, to assess the situation and predict their next step."


Joe - Seeing him not moving ... "Got a thought ?"

Emilio - "What if I set the charges while we're already there ?  High heat to burn off any risk of an outbreak.  To be detonated on a whim.  Libra is quite capable, I think I may be bored while I'm there."


Joe - A glance from the chief and a nod.  "May as well.  Demolitions expert's out on task ...

~ a grenade flies from the tank hatch with a "Whoo !"

Joe - "So you'll have to make do."

A knock at the door ~

Frenchman (the seller) - From behind the door, "May I have my office back please, I have my own nefarious meetings to arrange."

Frenchman - In the yard with forty Praetorians lingering about barrack tents. "When will you find another property ?"

Joe - "As soon as the teams are done mugging distributors."  He hands him a list of names.

Frenchman - Reading ... "Oh !  Well fair enough then.  I hate them all."  Pushes the page back to him, "Make yourselves at home.  Briefly."

Joe - "Well ... we'll need a plane too."

A look from the Frenchman ...

A Vietnam War era Cessna A-37B Dragonfly decommissioned from the Chilean Air Force rolls for take off from the yard, engine roar on low while a long row of these familiar black SUV's rolls down a longer dusty road.

Inside one will never know how many are with whom, Corvallis looks completely at home among the three others facing two by two in the back with another two up front, loaded up like bullets in a conspiratorial six gun.

The plane bows with the runway, the engines fire up and it pushes it's flight, as elsewhere they drive.  A viewer could struggle to see which among whom was seen at the old base manor, the appearance of all seeming the same intentional.

Of course so one does not recognize them any other way, making it harder to say who was at the base more casually attired.  But in fact it's one in each of the six cars, in one cases the driver, the other the a front seat passenger.

In the plane it's combat bio-hazard season, with masks at the ready and full comm kits, sealed to the glove in a cockpit quick fitted to decontaminate.  Emilio pilots, being so apt with infiltration and destruction.

Two seats side by side two among jets is a rarity, another of history's unexpected surprises as he flies impossibly close to the ground, nothing Libra is unfamiliar with as she sight sees out the side.  

He flashes the bright colored lights.

A bump up over a gap in security at the border wall and down again.  Indeed noticed with some hesitation what to do about it as it angles over the nearby treeline and down again out of sight.  May as well have been a flying saucer.

The black suits approach the distant structure looking like a grain refinery, pipes and walkways as well patrolled as can be inconspicuous, the Dragonfly slows for its dusty landing, past the distant hill.