~ three

The tank still rolls in the eve, the city skyline glowing ahead.  The engineer lay stomach down on the deck, prying at a fender stuck in the tread rolls while the driver jerks the wheel occasionally to the left to keep it on track.

One jeep keeps hard cover to protect, the other still circling.

Helicopters now rising behind, and there's more on the ground now for all the fight than less.  The top gun turns, the engineer ducking it.  Heat-seeker away.

Most tanks don't fire missiles.  This one did.  It could also float.  
But the gun jammed, A lot.  Like a lot a lot.   The loader deals with that now while the second helo lets loos a missile of its own.  Ever seen countermeasures on a tank before ?


But they make do, they knew what was coming.  The engineer pries out the wreckage and the tread pops back to sink with another leftward jut. 

Closes the hatch just as the TOW launches the loader nerding on the control screen until boom.

Corvallis - In the cooler, "Well that is fascinating.  Now do us both a favor.  Scream like I'm beating you to death."

Guard - "What ?"

Corvallis - "Or I'm beating that scream out of you."  He puts on his gloves.  "Please."

Outside the cell the screams ring out, the begging for mercy, the etcetera, while the scientist gather staring in horror at a door.  
So those people behind them can plant explosives in everything hollow but rarely checked.  Light fixtures, Emilio pulls the nub off a chair leg and some goes in there ... to the sound of screams, Libra puts her hands on her hips looking around ... ah.  Inside panels on the electron microscope.

The screams ...

The cut pipe plating seals back from within, the dog sneezes looking sad at the guard, gets pet.  A Dragonfly two seater takes off.

Corvallis walks with the rest back out to the SUV's.

Berg - "We'll have to shut this location down."

Corvallis - "I'm afraid so ... I'm sure we can find you another placement in the network."

Berg - "I'm sure.  Good day Agent Corvallis."

Corvallis - Getting in, a smile.  "Good evening, Administrator Berg."

The door slams, Ms Berg walks the halls as the situation returns to normal.  At breakfast the next day, she eats as the workers pass behind in sped time, then lunch.

Dinner time, Ms Berg finishes her meal.  A sip of her drink, she sets it down and arranges the setting, the silver and the cup.  Looks at it a moment with a smile, and to the security camera in the corner with a wink.

Gets up and pulls the fire alarm.  Everyone mad to evacuate such a place, some look for her but but Monroe's already over the hill with Berg's face in her hand before the explosion.

Credits while in the last dash so to speak of the tank and jeeps to the city limits, a row of cars forming in wait.  Unclear who they are, maybe just the people, cartel, Praetorians or all of the above.

The engines rev for war as the approaching security hesitates, some swerving to side.  The tank passes into the city.

~ The tank crew unloads the black bagged man with Joe waiting.

Joe - "Doctor Heisenstein.  Hope you don't mind everyone calling you Doc, because they will.  Welcome to the team."

Doc - "I despise it.  We all do.  My lab please."

"Joe - "Right this way Doc, the kids are gonna love ya."

(credits continue)


Back in the city, the SUV's stop at a light.  The sound of silenced pistols, and one agent get out of the back five SUV's pull out the five bodies in the first and close the doors as the light turns green and only the lead drives on, the traffic behind left in a jam by the rest.

(production credit and out)