~ three

As the Crow drags the sword down the path, followed far too closely by Monroe who leaps to a bush as soon as the Crow turns ...

Capricorn's mercenaries arrest the remaining of hers, while searching through the house, he stares at the doll collection with a rage ...

The plane climbs high over the V-TOL platform with Money and Able both holding steady the controls as it works hard for a loop.  In the back they hold as the cargo slides against the restraints, mobile team on the bar, looking down as the airship comes into view below.

They drop.

Capricorn - Punches down hard on the kneeling enemy merc commander, as his own kicks him in the side.  He kneels and pulls the mans face to his, "Your head on a pike as a sign to all betrayers, just before I burn this house down."

Another hard punch downward, Capricorn's commander laughs to the opposing commander's swirling fade out from consciousness.

And so it is, the pan back from that head on a pike in front of the manor, the fire taking.

As they struggle with their tool-shift hooks for the rails, in only a few seconds to latch the vehicles before popping the chutes.  They clatter the side hard, the vehicles crashing to deck but one jeep tearing loose and lost to the woods below.

A distance behind the Crow, the jeep crashes  into the woods.  She turns slowly ... Monroe circles in sync to be unseen, Crow sees nothing.  Then back to the walk, Monroe gone.  She looks up, the glimmer in the sky ...

... in the fire the dolls begin to burn ...

Crow - Swats at a mosquito, sublimely pissed.  "Monroe ... "  She looks around, "Let's talk."  Back to front, an unknown woman standing there smiling looking over Monroe's swords in her hands.

Monroe - "We just passed my safe-house.  This is what I like to wear around town."  She looks up from the blades, "So what do you wanna talk about ?"

The engineer looks over the wheel as the rest take stations.

Gunner - "This ... well it's a dream ship made by a very paranoid princess.  All guns from one station and right next to the wheel.  But this panel's locked down."


Engineer - "I'm astounded it actually has a wheel.  Take it please, I'm checking the engine room, and then I'll see about that panel.  She was rich, but not an engineer."  Leaves to it.

Gunner - "Oo."  Looking extra captainy, takes the wheel.

Jeep driver two - Very sad, "I lost my jeep."

Jeep driver one - "That's because you suck."

Two - "Why did we even drop them here !?"

Gunner - Looking at the radar, "Uhhh ... that's why !"  To the sad driver, "Congratulations !  Now you're driving an airship."

In the engine room, the engineer stares at the reactor enclosed in what appears to bee a lead sphere with coolant cycled through refrigeration units.  

Engineer - "Yep.  That's a nuclear reactor."

The airship shakes from a hit.  An alarm sound with the ship-wide crackling on, "I found the button !"  In a deep and serious voice, "We are under attack."  Clears throat, Then serious.  "Six targets ... "  The sound of machine gun fire from the deck, a snicker, "Five targets."

On the deck the jeep gunner fires, tank gun swinging to a seeker shot before firing.

The engineer makes the command bridge, spare jeep driver at the wheel, "Four."

Engineer - "There will be more.  I need to work this panel, you got this ?"

Driver - "Nope !"

Engineer - Looks over the gunner station ... "Well hallelujah for honesty, you're doing fine."  Looks at the panel under the floor and pries it open with a combat knife, slices a wire and pulls a cell, looks around.

Tears a decorative light fixture from the wall and cuts out the wires, opens the cell's battery panel and starts works the wires in.  

Cycles though apps until found the charge manager, set aside, then the windows emulator, set aside, sound generating program, sets it to a wave sent through the charging program's control.

The Moog-like sounds ...

The gunner station clicks on.  Looks to the driver at the wheel, the driver smiles sideways while whistling the Popeye song ...

Engineer - "Think you can work this panel ?"

Driver - "Nope !"

~ The airship randomly fires missiles in all directions ... "Got it !"

Crow - Watching Monroe pour tea in the cabin, "There's no point.  He's executed my men and obstructed my accounts.  There is no me to become."

Monroe gives her a look and sets down the pot.  Drinks the tea watching her.  Crow looks at the cup, a look back.

Monroe - "If I were going to ... "

Crow - "But you are going to."

Monroe drinks watching her.

Capricorn looks over the ashes, burned husk of a manor surrounded by the charred heads, the merc commander approaching. 

Commander - "A thing of beauty sir.  Only so many men know death so well as to pay this unworldly homage.  You will do great things."  Approaches a head ... "I ... remember ... you."  Looks to Capricorn with an incredulous smile, then back to the head.

"I remember this one."  A smile, he pats the head on the cheek, "Oo.  Still hot."  He lights a cigar.  "Yeah.  This fucking guy, worked his way up, in the Fentanyl racket.  Big hollywood ... always going on how he moved product to this guy and that."

"Used to get off on watching them OD.  Loved the shit.  The bigger the name, the more he'd get off."  He smokes looking at the head, "You know.  You meet a lot of real ripe pieces of shit in this field, but this one ... "

Spit hits the face with a puff of smoke. 

Commander - "Well off to Hell with you then."  He turns to join Capricorn, "What's the plan ?"

The VTOL holds off the attacks of what appear to be Northrup F20 Tigersharks. Designed to be competitive with the average fighter (in 1980), but limited in dealing with a slow moving target requiring a tight strafe which leaves them open.

One blows as the Dragonfly streaks by, turning in for more.

Emilio - On the comm, "Rendezvous ahead, you are almost home."

With Libra co-piloting, it fires on another of Capricorn's  They fight their way toward a distant fleet gathering.  The C130 circles a carrier, the last of its birds departing.

On the comm - "Are you sure you can do this, 'soldier' ?"

Money - Looks at the fuel gauge, Able looks at him.  "Positive."

~ The plane powers for a hard turn to stall the engines down.

Able - "I think it's been done like one time."

Money - "Shut up."

Able - "That guy, was a he-ro."

Money - Engines roaring complaint while he stifles a laugh, "I'm going to fucking kill you after you find me a drink on that tub."

Able - ... "Why ... would there be a drink on that tub !?  It's not like they have bars there you know."

~ The plane hits the top in a skid, engines reversing.

Able - "I mean.  Is this like a slight on the Navy ?"

~ The plane skids into a turn as it starts snapping through the catch cables.

Able - "You win one fucking game.  One fucking game."

~ the last few cables hold ... the plane stops with a slight pull back from the tension.

Money - Stares wide eyed and frozen out the window, hand still gripping the wheel ... "Every fucking game."

Sailors from around the world cheer stein high in a makeshift carrier pub.  From on high it's seen there vessels from around the world, Dragonfly passing to land among them.

Voiced over, the Crow - "What do you want from me ?"

Monroe - Staring across at her in this unknown body, "Your soul."