World War Forever

The mercenary commander walks toward the vehicle line and waiting troops.

Commander - In the silence of feet on the leaves in the grass and wind, smouldering death behind.  "You know what makes me happy right now ?"

Capricorn - "No sirens ?"

View over the distant fires blooming in the chaos.  "No sirens."

~ World War Forever ~

~ as the view stretches wider, overlay the opening to main ~

As the fleet still gathers accumulating from around the world, the main carrier at the core.  The VTOL approaches over, itself a third the size of the carrier below.

Every great nation where such cultists as these would aspire such power, these are their militaries saying 'enough'.  Libra masked walks into a child's room at night, hits the light and holds up a head.

The child wakes and screams, the lights go back out.  Jackal talks to Libra in her office, that sadness in his eyes while in her that light keeps flickering in and out.

The Chief greets commanders of the gathering ships, their guest generals from around the world, everywhere such cultists as these would aspire to power.

On the deck the Doctor watches a Battleship turn it's gun, his yacht destroyed.  A sigh ... "And yar she blows."

Libra - "Yarrr ... "

More ships gather, generals in meeting rooms with their leaders look them over with suspicion.  One watches closely the motions of his hands, makes a decision and leaves.

While Joe cuts his way through all over the world, and beautiful tattoos are cut into flesh. 

Russian General - Incredulously, a laugh.  " 'The devil you know'.  And where is your tactician, your 'storm-bringer'?  Why is he not here ?  We trust him.  And I had wished to meet him."


Chief - A sigh, "Working alone.  I don't think we can count on him.  But I also don't think we need him."

Chinese General - "Ah.  So what do you need ?"

Chief - "Your best of the best on the team.  To help make the decisions for us all."

Monroe - Still this new stranger, "And I need it now."

Crow's upturned wrists are clamped to the table while Monroe etches the tattoo, then wipes away a gathering bleed.

Crow - With a tear of pain, "They're beautiful."

Monroe - "What would you like me to draw next ?"

Crow - Breaks down, the tears pouring.  "I want ... I want a waterfall in the woods washing it all away as I bathe.  I want to see the little fishes.  I want them to have faces watching over me.  I want ... I want leaves on trees and I want birds to fly ... I want ... "

Monroe - "And what would it be worth to you, to have your soul cut back into you ?"


Crow - "Everything.  I want to be what I was again, before all of this, before ... him.  That's my price."

Chief - "It's in the nature of power for there to be a cabal.  So choose your best.  Soldiers.  To be that.  To be them."

Israel - "But why not respected philosophers ?  Perhaps even our religious leaders ?  In truth, we follow orders.  That is, what a soldier is.  If orders can be trusted to be wise ... "

Chief - "They should definitely be in the loop, so long as they truly represent a portion of their people I think.  But historically it's always been those who are capable of defending their position, who last. 

"While the natural camaraderie that occurs between soldiers of any nation balances us all."

Russian Agent - Accompanying the general, "This part seems agreeable.  But if I understand you, we cannot strike a western land now, without risking world war."

Chief - "I know.  This one's for us.  We lock em into war-games, in an arena under our control.  Bleed dry the numbers stupid enough to enter, until stupid be gone."

China - "And you ?"

Chief - "When it's done, I retire.  My last gift to the world."

Russian Agent - "Retire."

Chief - "Retire."

Crow - Head pressed hard to the table while Monroe sculpts the back, gone pain mad and talking like a little girl, sounding like Alice lost.  "But then ... who will I be ?"

Monroe - "You will be, what you choose to be.  Would you like a butterfly in the flowers ?"

Crow - "Yes I think I would like that."

Russian Agent - "I understand that not all of your number are true soldiers.  Some are apparently ... random psychopaths ?"

Chief - "Well ... not ... 'random'."  As Monroe etches the wings, "The best of the best."  Fading to that Nova bumping in the night from the first movie, "Fact is, this was her plan."

The driver of the lost jeep approaches obliviously, "Did you know this thing literally has a garage ?"

Monroe sits on the table holding Crow by the throat with one hand keeping it barely able to breath, while etching the front with the other, the scene then a flickering light on and off in Libra's eyes as she listens to Jackal.

Jackal - "So yeah.  Thanks a lot doc."

Libra - Smiles, "Don't call me doc.  Electro-convulsive fetishes are not nearly so rare as one would imagine.  It's just a way of resetting a system."  Flicker out.