~ six

As the fleet splits to different directions, each grouping maintaining international representation, a group of soldiers representing them gathers on the deck of the main carrier in greet. 

Above a helicopter lands on the VTOL.  On its bridge, the Captain with the chief.
Joe - Entering haunted, "You were right.  Our time is done."

Chief - Hand on the shoulder, a nod and a smile.  "Welcome home."  He looks out the side at the new soldiers from around the world gathering on the carrier deck below as it's course diverts from beneath them. 

Picks up the comm, heard through the fleet.  "This is our last run and we are absolutely taking them with us.  All hands, abandon ship."

... silence ...

Captain - "Do you really think that's what's going to happen here ?"

More helicopters land on the deck, team by team unloading before their chopper leaves again, through all the characters again including Monroe in bandages and Libra in her combat gear with her mask on among friends. 

Agent Corvallis looking like a happy fool in a Panama shirt with a shotgun, the Doc with two underarm pistols over a vest with sleeves rolled up looking like a Holiday, stands next to Joe arms crossed.

Joe - "Fool kicked my ass."

Doc - "Ouch."

They continue looking it all over when the last chopper lands, a two seater from the Korean war, a brow raises waiting.  The Frenchman exits.

Frenchman - "Guadalajara, was secured."  He pulls out three blunts.  "And then I heard, that there were a lot old people making their last stand against evilHm !  Imagine that."  He lights his.  "This is very nice airship."

Joe - "Technically it's a VTOL Carrier."

The Doc and Frenchman give each other a look, then a snicker in smoke.

Joe - A side look with a brow, then back.  "We named it the Nimbus."

Frenchman - "You mean like the ... "

Joe - "Shhh ... "  Ahead where they go, the storm clouds gather to go with.

Chief - To them all gathered, "You warm an old man's heart.  But you don't understand."

Ghost - "The fuck we don't.  To the mission."

Dore - "To the end."

Libra - "It was never about us.  Was it ?"

Chief - Looks to the departing carrier with the gathered troops of the world, then back.  "No.  It never really was.  Let's face it kids ... we're all a bit not right."

Money - "Well I guess it's down to us crazy folk now."

Monroe catches him staring at her in her bandages with a smile and a wink.  She turns away smiling with likely a blush beneath it all, if there happens to be skin.

Chief - Smiles proud, "And so it is."

Capricorn - To the commander, "Oh my ears are burning tonight."

Commander - "Do we gather the rest ?"

Capricorn - Looks at the gathering storm above, "It would seem wise." 

Their own troops gather as the VTOL's decks prepare.  Their jets launch, the guns ready, mercenaries march in formation with their vehicles, Praetorian parachutes prepare at the rail.

Count for count they will absolutely die.

The rain pounds the ground before the hail begins beating them, the gust blows them all back, a moment's fear in mercenary eyes.

Commander - "You fear ... this !?  You fear ... the rain !?  The wind and weather, you fear these few men and women against our odds !?  Fear to die my friends."  He lights his cigar, "But fear not to live.  Set forth.  We kill them all."

He looks up as the VTOL approaches high, watches the jets harassing it, one blown down then another, but with it came hard hits to the VTOL's decks.

Capricorn - "My friend.  Indeed my only one.  I need you out there  in the world.  To gather what's left of us, and continue the cause."

Commander - "But sir ... it's ... "

Capricorn - Smiles, "My friend.  That is an order."  He puts on the mask.  A laugh, "Your rousing speeches will be required !"  To the driver, "Forth !"  Laughter hard as he pulls away, joining the ranks.

Joe - Over the map in the bridge, "If we make this position, we'll catch the whole field."

Chief - "That means through the front lines, to hit the back."

Captain - "We can make it.  She'll hold.  But the ground troops need to hit those guns, won't leave a lot of room for self defense."

Joe - "Will it matter ?"


Captain - "Funny a thing Money told me just the other day ... "  Back to the wheel.

Money preps the Dragonfly, side door up checking the central panel, Monroe sits in the passenger seat.  Smiles and looks away.

Money - "You sure."

Monroe nods.

Money - "You know.  I always knew it was the real you that I loved."

Monroe - Voice rattles at first, "The only thing ... I've ever regretted."  
A bandaged kiss in tears ... while a distance away Emilio and Libra stand looking annoyed in their now useless flight suits.

Emilio - "Well that fucking sucks." 

The driver of the lost jeep approaches (again), "Did you know this thing literally has a garage ?"

A bit of cloud wisps away over Capricorn and the troops, a part of the VTOL seen, the second jeep crashes to the ground unmanned, taking out the tank to his left.

Extraneous deck-plates are lifted and fitted for platform drops, the Crow's favorite cars rev their engines.  The back opens, Jackal grins at the wheel.

Outside Capricorns jets arrive, hitting that deck hard before losing one of their own, crashing out one of the VTOL engines.  With a shake, the cars drop, the ground opens fire beneath them.

All drop for the center of the mercenary army, many don't make it at all.  The cars tear off to herd them, the tank dropping last to support.  All efforts to draw them in packed under the VTOL.

Inside it, the Captain tears from the bridge giving the Wheel to the chief, and to the engine room, prepping it to blow on a timer.  The hits from ground and plane become to much, engines catch fire.

Joe tackles Capricorn from his turret, they battle hard with the blade, then blades broken it's to the fist, overhead the Dragonfly shot down.

In the heat of battle and uniform it's hard to say who is whom, but it does not matter before the boom.  The commander looks back over his shoulder at the small mushroom cloud, awed of the beauty but still shed of a tear.

~ The End ~

And the Crow drives through the woods, looking around at everything fast with wide eyes as though all is see for the first time, she smiles.  The car drives on.